mail by date
Starting: Thu 01 May 1997 - 07:41:12 MET DST
Ending: Sat 28 Jun 1997 - 06:04:09 MET DST
Messages: 410
- Summary: CDE & LD_LIBRARY_PATH Dan Freedman
- SUMMARY ipc serial ports. Simon Convey
- SUMMARY:Concatinated RAID 5, SSA and Solstice Disksuite David Robson
- SUMMARY (sort of): Strange inetd behavior Sean Ward
- SUMMARY: screen resolution Karl von Jena
- SUMMARY: odd error message from ftp. ideas? Christopher L. Barnard
- Summary: RAID choices Dan Stromberg - OAC-DCS
- [SUMMARY] Unwanted SPAM Jim Harmon
- SUMMARY beep Mariel Feder
- SUMMARY: nis plus replica server Mariel Feder
- SUMMARY: Problem compiling sendmail after installing bind on Solaris Mark Fergusson
- summary: automount Ying He
- SUMMARY: Finding no of open files for a process Atish
- SUMMARY: HELP - boot problems ( nevermind) Al Aldrich
- SUMMARY: Keyboard Clicking but no X running Caleb Warner
- SUMMARY Automount of /var/spool/mail Chris Nespor
- .signature solution Larry Zins
- SUMMARY: Solaris x86 on Micron Transport Matt Marlow....BSB 3047
- SUMMARY: Floppy formatting problem under File MGR Sean Harvey
- SUM: Can not ftp as root: "User root access denied" -Reply Khanh Vo
- Summary of find command Parks Fields
- SUMMARY: mail utility for selectively deleting messages from /var/mail Craig Raskin
- SUMMARY: Serial ttya Charles Gagnon
- SUMMARY: X server down Charles Gagnon
- SUMMARY: Solaris Programming question Reinaldo Penno Filho
- SUMMARY: Disk Space/System Monitoring Jeff Newton
- SUMMARY: IDSN between SUN machines... D. Ellen March
- Jukebox Capacity Results Steven C. McNeill
- SUMMARY: Reducing the chattering noise of a SS5 170Mhz? Chin Fang
- SUMMARY: NFS mounting by Solaris from a DEC Alpha running OSF1 Warren Jessop
- SUMMARY: Exceed and X window managers Jeffrey Liu
- SUMMARY: ufsdump 'hanging' problems Alastair Cannon
- SUMMARY: Single Threaded Code and Multi CPU Manuel Gil - Reach Networks Inc. New York
- SUMMARY: Ultra1 ethernet card Eric R. Dodson
- SUMMARY: $USER set to root on telnet Sean Ward
- SUMMARY: what's wrong with my include file? Mark Inaba
- SUMMARY: Dual-boot Win95 and Solaris x86 Matt Marlow....BSB 3047
- SUMMARY autofs + wu-ftpd guestgroup = errors? Chin Fang
- Settup up PPP to use proxy arp Mark Fergusson
- SUMMARY: Settup up PPP to use proxy arp Mark Fergusson
- SUMMARY: Unable to compile top 3.4
- SUMMARY: Can I use a 2nd CPU in an SS10 without "Major Changes"? Dave
- SUMMARY: sendmail incompatible with SLMail ??? Marina Daniels
- SUMMARY: korn shell vs bourne shell on Solaris 2.5.1 TOBY POTTS
- SUMMARY: unbundled patch 103093-10. Frank Pardo
- SUMMARY: Using netgroups with share command Beppe Coffano
- SUMMARY: Keyboard click with no X running Caleb Warner
- SUMMARY: Incorrect /etc/hosts after a jumpstart Gustavo Chaves
- SUMMARY: Sendmail Year 2000 Question Grace Standorf
- SUMMARY: CDE - Start app in a given workspace Birger A. Wathne
- (no subject) Ying He
- SUMMARY: /dev/ip Michael Hawk
- SUMMARY: CDE question Cristian Martinez T.
- SUMMARY: [Q] create FTP only account ???
- SUMMARY (sort of): Ghostscript Jack Goldsmith
- SUMMARY: [Fwd: Re: fatal: can't open file: Rex Espiritu
- SUMMARY: Problems Upgrading Solaris 2.4 -> 2.5.1 Mike Mitchell
- SUMMARY: Sendmail version Richard Schulting
- <none> Baldacchino,Paul
- SUMMARY: xlock doesn't Dave Wreski
- SUMMARY: Installing new drives in E3000, reboot -r *really* necessary? Larry Williamson
- SUMMARY: Web Netscape Browser for PC/Solaris 2.5.1 X86 Mark
- SUMMARY: Openwindows colors Mariel Feder
- Quotactl with ioctl. Salvador Ramirez
- SUMMARY: Quotactl with ioctl. Salvador Ramirez
- SUMMARY: what's syslog: _s_synch: siptr: xxxxxx error? Kai O'Yang
- SUMMARY: Urgent help needed with cron !!! Cagri Yucel
- SUMMARY: su problem Gautam Das
- SUMMARY: Re-install 2.5.1 bind, resolve stuff Tim Evans
- SUMMARY: ulimit question Lisa Hafner
- Summary:-PC emulation problems Baldacchino,Paul
- SUMMARY: /dev/MAKEDEV for Solaris 2.5.1 Tim Buller
- SUMMARY: Incorrect /etc/hosts after a jumpstart Gustavo Chaves
- Summary: format partition tag Feist, Bruce
- SUMMARY: Problem with jetadmin package install Robin Winslett
- SUMMARY: Ultra Rebooting Continuously Bob Bennett
- SUMMARY and Q: SPARC SLC won't boot Barry Brown
- SUMMARY: Sparc station 5 audio speaker david Gosbee
- SUMMARY:filesize()? Mike Wilson
- SUMMARY:Helpful system calls. Atish
- SUMMARY: Need help with SS5 <-> SS20 Christian Masopust
- SUMMARY: How to spool "raw" print files from Solaris to WinNT. Frank Pardo
- SUMMARY: GCC-Only System Possible Marc G. Fournier
- Summary: Has anyone got ssh to compile under Solaris 2.5.1? jstanley
- SUMMARY: netmasks Sun managers
- SUMMARY: Adding more filedescriptors in a kernel. Admin Staff
- SUMMARY: Fast SCSI-2 on a SPARC/2??? Lawrence Houston
- terminal emulation; summary Sun managers
- SUMMARY: Is there a scheduled delivery function in an email client?? Charles Mengel
- SUMMARY : Arrow keys problem in vi (insert mode) Olagappan Subramanian
- SUMMARY : sudo - Aggeliki Karabassi - SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR
- SUMMARY hung dump. Simon Convey
- SUMMARY: installed memory config
- SUMMARY [Cannot send mail to ARSystem]
- SUMMARY: installed memory config
- SUMMARY Pinnacle Micro Compatible Sun to HP ? John W. Funk
- SUMMARY: ufsdump & dd weirdness: should I be worried? Pascal Gaudette
- SUMMARY SCSI 2 Devices on Ultra with Fast/Wide John W. Funk
- SUMMARY: Jumpstart FAQ? Dave Wreski
- SUMMARY: Annoying sysadmin problems.. Dave Wreski
- SUMMARY - samba printing Christopher J. Thuet
- SUMMARY: tape stuck in 8mm Exabyte Stewart N. Weiss
- SUMMARY: Home-Brewed Paging Software joel.d.spieth
- SUMMARY: SendMail Configuration Question Chris Staunton
- (no subject) Bobby P. Huynh
- SUMMARY: Changing minfree value in Solaris 2.x with tunefs Mark
- SUMMARY(2): Setting correct umask Ricardo Ferraro G. da Silva
- SUMMARY: Setting correct umask Ricardo Ferraro G. da Silva
- SUMMARY: Sun Fortran - structures/records and I/O G W Cantello
- [SUMMARY] Ethernet adapter conflicting with SCSI adapter Brad Reisner
- SUMMARY: Makefile fails on modload Amanda Dahl/mail+schedule
- SUMMARY: What's with my tape drive? Colin J. Wynne
- SUMMARY:Sendmail Forwarding Carlo Cosolo
- SUMMARY: new drive Jonathan Loh
- SUMMARY: Sparc20 drives in a Sparc10 Fletcher B. Cocquyt
- SUMMARY: Auto-rollover of jukebox tapes Jim Stern
- SUMMARY: cron doesn't run jobs at x:x0? Stein, Doug
- SUMMARY: Trouble Booting from Ext. Disk James Kwong
- SUMMARY- Serving Windows Software from UNIX Craig L. Gruneberg
- SUMMARY: Problem installing patches Michael Hawk
- SUMMARY:Is this a valid network configuration? John Vogtle
- SUMMARY: Different Subnet Masks Farzad Mansour
- SUMMARY: fake users in sendmail/POP Marcelo Maraboli
- SUMMARY: Help! Cannot run FVWM on a Sun Ultra1 or Ultra 2 Mike Carroll
- (no subject) Ruth H Woods
- Update to: Summary: Speech recognition software Rasana Atreya
- SUMMARY: Flaky Network Connection Rasana Atreya
- Summary: INN 1.5.1 and PGP Rasana Atreya
- SUMMARY: Moving boot disk from Ultra-1 to Ultra-2 Real Page
- Summary: Solaris 2.3 to 2.5.1 upgrade Ruth H Woods
- SUMMARY2: Is there a scheduled delivery function in an email client?? Charles Mengel
- SUMMARY: too many pop files
- SUMMARY: lp print servers growing memory footprint Stephen Harris
- SUMMARY: NIS map not propogating. ideas? Christopher L. Barnard
- SUMMARY -- URGENT: Massive mail file coming in Susan Thielen
- SUMMARY: Max Number semaphores. Salvador Ramirez
- SUMMARY: bad backups with Solaris/Disksuite/Auspexes/Budtool Danny Johnson
- Summary: Subnetmask Question Farzad Mansour
- Summary: writing lpfilters John Stoffel
- SUMMARY: Help: NIS+ screwed-up! Steffen Kluge
- SUMMARY: Solaris 2.3 to 2.5.1 upgrade Ruth H Woods
- SUMMARY : ufsdump and synchronised Backups Mike Arnold
- [SUMMARY] Promiscuous Mode Mike Wilson
- SUMMARY:tooltalk errors Andy J. Stefancik 237-2164
- SUMMARY: Inetd Question Rudolph Wray
- SUMMARY: lmgrd and hostid problem Mark D. Hokhold
- SUMMARY: [Q] Does their has free or cheaper NFS client 95?
- SUMMARY: [Q] can SOLARIS work with SUN laserwriter II ??
- SUMMARY: DHCP Server Tony C. Wu
- SUMMARY: JetAdmin software and alternate paper tray for banner sheet Jim Reisert
- SUMMARY bootblock Simon Convey
- SUMMARY: format.dat entry for Quantum XP39200AL Marc L. Summers-SysAdmin
- SUMMARY: Phone dialing software/hardware Peter Schauss x 2014
- SUMMARY : How to find the ethernet address of 2nd ethernet card Waqar Hafiz
- SUMMARY: SS5 Disk Error
- UPDATE: Problem - DNS/NIS in mixed Solaris SunOS environment larry
- SUMMARY: Remote mounting CD ROM drives Matt Reynolds
- Summary: Quantum DLT 4000 tape backup Shirley Chee Mei Kin
- SUMMARY: SWAP Problem Puneet_Gulati
- SUMMARY: finger Elena Gianolio
- SUMMARY(2): Remote mounting CD roms Matt Reynolds
- Summary: Hostid Tom Wallace
- SUMMARY: watchdog reset James Musso
- SUMMARY: Sbus FW SCSI and DLT Ted Marigomen
- Summary: gcc- install problem Janet Leung
- SUMMARY: Translation Table Error on SunOS 4.1.4 Manager
- SUMMARY: Sun News Printer Angel Ortiz
- SUMMARY: PASV mode ftp client for Solaris 2.x G Muthukumar Wipro Systems 10964
- SUMMARY: [Q]: JetAdmin for UNIX (sparc) D.02.10 Randy
- SUMMARY : GCC installation question Chi Man Wu - SAN
- le0: Receive: giant packet from.... Movva Mohan Kumar
- Solaris - le interface name -> address mapping Niall O Broin
- SUMMARY: Backup script Alfredo Sola
- SUMMARY: Is this used equiptment really Sun original Ralph Dell
- SUMMARY Solaris - le interface name -> address mapping Niall O Broin
- SUMMARY: Conner CFP2107S format.dat entry needed David Gunn
- Sun-Managers Problem Alberto Ferrari
- SUMMARY: SCSI ID's Gene Rackow
- SUMMARY:Re: le0: Receive: giant packet from.... Movva Mohan Kumar
- SUMMARY: Sparc 10 mouse problem Jonas Aberg
- SUMMARY: NIS and NIS+ Michael Will
- Summary: DNS resolution for a Class A address Nigel Henry
- X11R6 resource manager buffer overflow.... David Hedley
- SUMMARY: partition sizes Amanda Simondson
- SUMMARY: UUCP & Sendmail Andy Korczynski
- SUMMARY: SS5 keep rebooting Feng Qiu
- SUMMARY: SS5 panic: asynchronous memory fault Andy Gay
- SUMMARY: PPP configuration problem Steve Kilgore
- Summary: SSPC Klamet
- SUMMARY: PPP configuration problem Steve Kilgore
- SUMMARY: Patrol Mariel Feder
- SUMMARY: Urgent Solstice AdminSuite host manager problem Marc S. Gibian
- SUMMARY Performance and Tuning Tools Lisa Yost
- SUMMARY: Restricting malicious access to mounted /var/mail Rasana Atreya
- SUMMARY: /etc/nologin Rasana Atreya
- SUMMARY: NFS Timeout Lau, Victoria H
- SUMMARY: Two OSes Zheng Tong
- SUMMARY: rsh host command not working Bill Fenwick
- summary terminal on serial port RAF SEALAND MCS
- SUMMARY : BIND Question (With Further Question) Chi Man Wu - SAN
- SUMMARY-Problems in solaris reading large nfs mounted directories. Susan Thielen
- SUMMARY: Total memory Stephen Harris
- SUMMARY-Compiling Sendmail-8.8.5 for SunOS 4.1.3_U1 Susan Thielen
- SUMMARY: Calendar change Chad Crawford
- SUMMARY: Lost Script...... Bill Fay
- SUMMARY:dialin-dialout modem David Stern
- SUMMARY; Sun-Managers Problem Alberto Ferrari
- Summary: Juke box recommendation and backup strategies Vasantha Narayanan
- SUMMARY:core dumps Oscar Goldes
- SUMMARY - sendmail config problem Susan Thielen
- RE SUMMARY terminal on serial port mark sowerby
- SUMMARY : reset colormap Liew.Chee.Wah
- SUMMARY: command line editing Fagnon, Raymond
- FOLLOWUP: Connecting two hubs Dave Wreski
- SUMMARY: [Q] number of line on a file ??
- SUMMARY: CDE and NIS+ passwd aging John Nguyen
- SUMMARY:[Q] limit user to use "su"
- SUMMARY: rpc.ttdbserverd Johnie Stafford
- SUMMARY: Connecting two hubs Dave Wreski
- SUMMARY: Dedicated Sun SIMM tester Fletcher B. Cocquyt
- [SUMMARY]Re: nfs mounts quit working Al Aldrich
- SUMMARY: No more shared memory identifiers Boyko, Steve
- SUMMARY: Need Help With Seagate Disk Jumpers Mike Mitchell
- Summary: Solaris/gated problems Gomez,Caroll
- PsuedoSummary-SS20 CPU and Memory Swap Bob Bennett
- Summary: default router Parthiv Shah
- SUMMARY (sort of): telnet to port 119 fails Rasana Atreya
- SUMMARY: X11R5 Binaries for Solaris 2.5 Ian Parkin Petrotech
- SUMMARY: Full duplex tp ethernet mode for sun? Detlev Habicht
- Summary: Quantum Fireball 2.1GB SCSI Hans Schaechl
- SUMMARY: lmail libary no found on Installation on Solaris 2.5 for Mark Fergusson
- SUMMARY:PKZIP on Solaris 2.5.1 Gary Franczyk
- SUMMARY: IEEE single-precision floating point converter Thang Victor Dinh
- Summary: nis+ Mark D. Hokhold
- SUMMARY: disk errors, not found
- SUMMARY: Bar Codes Paul Wood
- SUMMARY: menu scripts sunacct
- SUMMARY II: NFS Timeout Lau, Victoria H
- SUMMARY: PostScript Printing Steve Woodruff
- SUMMARY SUN 3/160 pblm Maintenance Personnel
- SUMMARY: Solaris 2.6 Mariel Feder
- SUMMARY Reading dump tapes Niall O Broin
- SUMMARY: syslog isn't? Scott McDermott
- SUMMARY: selective automounting Erwin Fritz
- SUMMARY Modem & Solaris 2.5 Jon Levin
- SUMMARY DNS query Sean Harvey
- Summary: uname -s returns hostname not SunOS Denis Becker
- SUMMARY: DOS 3.3 and Unix Rick von Richter
- SUMMARY: File Size, Integrity etc. checking program S. Varshney
- SUMMARY: Order of controllers Francisco Da Silva
- SUMMARY: IP network no. assignments
- CDE problems Brian Atkinson
- SUMMARY: vacation-like utility Jim Englund
- SUMMARY: Ultra2: System booting after fatal error FATAL Fletcher B. Cocquyt
- SUMMARY:internet mail using cron Fagnon, Raymond
- SUMMARY: dud slice Amanda Simondson
- SUMMARY Hung Process Ira Childress
- SUMMARY: Deslogin 1.3 update? Marianne Cain
- SUMMARY:PPP Question IPX->NT Varun Seth
- rlogin for root contd.. kastum tumo
- SUMMARY: [Q] Need recommend on Web metering software
- SUMMARY: [Q] Need recommend on CD-R (CD Recoder)..
- SUMMARY: NIS+:NisDirCacheEntry() Server out of memory. Vahid Moghaddasi
- Resolution K. R. Fulton
- How to activate 'sar' logging? Cheng, Bruce
- SUMMARY: RAID 5 with 22 disks Rasana Atreya
- SUMMARY: Re: How to activate 'sar' logging? Cheng, Bruce
- SUMMARY: frequent sun4m hangs (network?) Margarita Suarez
- SUMMARY: [Q] where can I get POP3 for Solaris 2.5.1??? JULIANO.TEDALDI
- SUMMARY: Syntax Totalnet Chris Chrysostom
- SUMMARY: Can't open file system. Antonio Rene Hernandez Cordero
- SUMMARY: Solaris 2.5.1 vs. Solaris 2.5.1 4/97 Marc S. Gibian
- SUMMARY: backup packages Eric R. Dodson
- SUMMARY: more info on ndd? Christopher L. Barnard
- SUMMARY: how to make a copy/second bootdisk Jan Plu
- SUMMARY: hyperSPARC Upgrade Andrew Mellanby
- SUMMARY: Quantum Fireball 2.1GB SCSI Hans Schaechl
- SUMMARY: tape errors after Solaris upgrade
- SUMMARY: Sun v/s others Amar Patel
- SUMMARY: two questions on scsi Clemens Schmuck
- SUMMARY: Following DNS Doug Stein
- SUMMARY: dns on solaris Gerhard den Hollander
- SUMMARY: backup packages (part 2) Eric R. Dodson
- SUMMARY: Problems with sparcstation 10 Wolfgang Leideck
- SUMMARY : Admin
- SUMMARY: Unauthorized user(s) can gain root priviledges Wojciech Mikanik
- help needed Fagnon, Raymond
- Phantom disk activity (additional) Bob Rahe
- SUMMARY: external speakers in SS5 Josh Kuperman
- SUMMARY: networker jukebox hardware reset John Nguyen
- RSM 2000
- Monitors,Keyboards,Matrix Switch (fwd) Milt Webb, IQ Software
- [SUMMARY] Many Question Chi Man Wu - SAN
- summary: NIS+ SUN and Alpha Ying He
- SUMMARY: trouble with fsck Amanda Simondson
- Summary: oops here is the easy hd question Fagnon, Raymond
- SUMMARY: NIS to DNS fallback Paul Kanz
- SUMMARY: Solaris 2.5 on Ultra-2 - implications? Chris Murphy
- SUMMARY: BIND 4.9.5 or 8.1? Subir Grewal
- SUMMARY: Inventory!! Jose Luis Delgado
- SUMMARY: Filmgr tries to execute files when it shouldn't Sean Ward
- SUMMARY: Full Screen Editor Lau, Victoria H
- SUMMARY: Selecting high SCSI IDs in wide SCSI external drives. Juan Carlos Leon
- SUMMARY: "mbuf map full" error message. Steve Kirkpatrick
- SUMMARY: Phantom disk activity Bob Rahe
- SUMMARY: Kernel modifications, (ufs)dump options for Sony SDT-1000 DDS
- SUMMARY: Download of a gif from a web site. Gary Franczyk
- SUMMARY: adb and examining running process scott hollatz
- Summary: Problems installing SunOS 4.1.1 from tape. Antonio Rene Hernandez Cordero
- SUMMARY: Major Network Trouble Leo Crombach
- SUMMARY: Interrupt level 6 not serviced Steffen Kluge
- Summary: X-Null Display Mark Spooner
- SUMMARY:about password Kun Li
- SUMMARY:running filemgr (as root) dumps core on Ultra2 using 2.5.1 Stevan P. Meck
- SUMMARY:NQS Mr Rene Occelli
- SUMMARY: Location of getrusage(3C) Kevin Warren
- Summary: Solaris 2.6 and 670MP's Rick Fincher'
- SUMMARY: disks oops on same SCSI id G.J.W. Hagenaars
- SUMMARY: Help with CDE Charles Gagnon
- SUMMARY: Help adding a tape drive to Solaris 2.5.1 Jim Reisert
- SUMMARY:Calendar Manager in Solaris 2.5.1 Shridhar Deuskar
- SUMMARY: openwin command hangs Sparc20! Erwin Fritz
- SUMMARY: about password (2) Kun Li
- SUMMARY: No Network locking Gautam Das
- SUMMARY: lpsched daemon won't start Cathy Hargrave
- SUMMARY: Help on diskless workstation as the server console Dongming Zhang
- History of command line Amy
- SUMMARY: Mitsumi FX-800 support for x86
- ST31051N Jumpers Revisited Mike Mitchell
- [SUMMARY] kernel patches - what if? The Hermit Hacker
- SUMMARY ARP Cahce Les Forster - EEA/SP
- SUMMARY: ps reports "ps: no controlling terminal" Davies, Andrew J
- SUMMARY - Lotus Notes trashes my 20s Mick Morgan
- ex editor commands David Stern
- SUMMARY LS on root directory Gary Franczyk
- [SUMMARY} Re: Timezone help Christopher M. Conway
- Summary:ex editor commands David Stern
- SUMMARY: sendmail daemon Dotty Pon
- SUMMARY: SunOS Configuration Problems Rodney Wines
- SUMMARY: alternate DNS zone setup
- SUMMARY - Jetadmin on solaris
- [Fwd: NIS+ master server forgot] Walter R. Moore
- SUMMARY: create new shell, new environment Andrew H. Evans
- SUMMARY: Segmentation fault while trying to install Oracle Seela Balkissoon
- SUMMARY: Solaris 2.5.1 and Oracle WebServer Jamshid Abedi
- SUMMARY: Changing the MAC addresses on Multiple Interfaces Dave
- SUMMARY: Drive config on SS2 Mike Frisch
- SUMMARY: ISO9660 CDROM Miguel Angelo Rozsas
- Root can't create a symbolic link Niall O Broin
- SUMMARY : Root can't create a symbolic link Niall O Broin
- ARGUS - info
- SUMMARY: How do you eliminate an old patch reference? Jeffery Small
- SUMMARY: Segmentation fault while trying to install Oracle-addendum Seela Balkissoon
- SUMMARY : mt doesn't recognise my Exabyte 8505 tape drive Niall O Broin
- SUMMARY: View a terminal remotely Gary Franczyk
- SUMMARY: DNS Round Robin question Kathy Kost
- SUMMARY: Problems with mount. Cristian Martinez T.
- SUMMARY probe-scsi-all hang up the system Ying He
- SUMMARY: yppasswd problem Greg Ness
- SUMMARY: Proc file system causing / to show 100% full saeed abubakar
- Patch Script Available Joe Shamblin
- SUMMARY: Internet service providers CO Thomas Esser
- SUMMARY: gcc and Solaris 2.5.1 Greg T. Harber
- SUMMARY: Netra and Samba Leo Crombach
- SUMMARY: problems printing to a qms2425 Fagnon, Raymond
- SUMMARY: Help for AIX file system full Jiao Lingxiu
- SUMMARY: Setting up an environment to use Polish? Rachel Polanskis
- (no subject) Bruce S. Jurilla
- SUMMARY: NIS+ server for SCO unix nis client Adriano Lacerda
- summary: probe-scsi-all hang up system Ying He
- FINITO local and NIS automount Greg Ness
- Top on Ultra Bruce S. Jurilla
- SUMMARY Re: Solstice Backup Geoff Lamb
- summary : root partition Ying He
- SUMMARY: GCC problems, Solaris 2.5.1, tcp-wrappers 7.6 and wu-ftp Brian Wells
- SUMMARY: Phantom disk activity (additional) Bob Rahe
- AnswerBook Problem Ramana M Lavu
- SUMMARY:[Q] Change computer name how many files need be change?? Duffy Men
- SUMMARY: NFS mount /var/mail vs POP mail D. Ellen March
- SUMMARY : interesting IP problem Vasu Vuppala
- SUMMARY: Starting xdm and/or openwin? Mike Mitchell
- Summary:Telnet to Broadcast address Janet Hoo
- Summary: SUNATM and CDE-Printing questions Otto Reidinger
- SUMMARY: HP LaserJet 6MP Amanda Simondson
- SUMMARY: 4mm Tape Drive Errors Andrew G. Gittens
- SUMMARY:Root password of NIS clients.... Vipin Gupta
- SUMMARY: Erratic system crashes. Keyboard failure? Nils Ackermann
- SUMMARY (no replies/update): Upgrading from Solstice DiskSuite 4.0 to Marc S. Gibian
- SUMMARY: mtools and Solaris Craig L. Gruneberg
- SUMMARY: Multiple jetadmin print servers Young, Jim x3125
- SUMMARY: date manipulation in shell scripts Young, Jim x3125
- SUMMARY: ps -> gif Douglas Chen
- Summary: STRANGE OPENWINDOW BEHAVIOR Marcel Chukwunenye
- NEW QUESTION & SUMMARY: syslog.conf Cagri Yucel
- SUMMARY: sendmail 8.8.5 configuration Mark Tindall
- SUMMARY: ip traffic annalysis
- SUMMARY Sparc 10 refuses to auto-boot from disk Bill Fenwick
- SUMMARY: Where is mbuf.h? Steffen Kluge
- SUMMARY: rpc.ttdbserver problems Rich Moseng
- SUMMARY: SQL Server Sas Liviu
- SUMMARY- Mounting NFS Lisa Yost
- Re: Solaris Ping bug (DoS) Geoff Mulligan
- SUMMARY: su <user> -c when user has no shell? Doug Stein
- SUMMARY:NFS & HP-mail (was [Q]Sorry, HP-UX question) Alan Hill
- SUMMARY: Security implications of rdist Peter Schauss x 2014
- UPDATE: openwin problem
- SAMMURY:vold problem Kun Li
Last message date: Sat 28 Jun 1997 - 06:04:09 MET DST
Archived on: Mon Jun 30 1997 - 10:06:07 MET DST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.