My original ques was :
The problem is I have assigned two partitions of the disk to swap as:
Format Table
1 swap wu 16 - 249 256.74MB (234/0/0) 525798
7 home wu 736 - 3730 3.21GB (2995/0/0) 6729765
also ==========
solan# swap -l
swapfile dev swaplo blocks free
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1 32,9 16 525776 428384
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s7 32,15 16 4194272 4097104
solan# swap -s
total: 153216k bytes allocated + 35944k reserved = 189160k used, 2593936k available
(Details - SunOS solan 5.5.1 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1)
As per the format table the space aloocated to swap - physiacally - is
3.45 GB. Now where's the rest of the space n how can I See the same.
Thanx to the instant replies of
Richard Skelton | e-mail :
The Answer is
The second swap partition can't be > 2GB
I repartitioned the DISK as
1 swap wu 16 - 132 128.37MB (117/0/0) 262899
5 swap wu 2442 - 3730 1.38GB (1289/0/0) 2896383
7 home wu 619 - 2441 1.95GB (1823/0/0) 4096281
and got the result
howrah# swap -s
total: 13048k bytes allocated + 3696k reserved = 16744k used, 4051264k available
Thanx to all