SUMMARY: Segmentation fault while trying to install Oracle

Seela Balkissoon (
Thu, 19 Jun 1997 14:57:50 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks to all the people who replied . I will provide a brief summary
of the responses. However, I haven't got it working as yet.

The general consensus was that LD_LIBRARY_PATH may have been
set incorectly. I have tried all variations submitted and nothing worked
To list the variations

LD_LIBRARY_PATH - /usr/openwin/lib.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH - /cdrom/oracle/lib:/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib

LD_LIBRARY_PATH - /cdrom/oracle/lib

The other suggestion was that one the OS patches installed may be
causing the problem. I didn't get a chance to look into it yet
but as soon as I test it, I will send out the info for those interested.

Some also suggested getting 7.3.3 CD from Oracle which may have the
problem solved

Also of interest for debugging
truss -f -o /tmp/log ./orainst /c

Replies came from:

On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Seela Balkissoon wrote:

> Please bear with me if I am sending this to the wrong list, but I
> am sure someone may have the answer to this because I have seen it
> posted before through this mailing list although I haven't seen a
> summary
> I am trying to install OracleServer7 on an UltraSparc 170, Solaris
> 2.5.1 (patches up-to-date).
> I have set all my environment variables,
> setup shared memory on the machine , created my oracle account, dba
> group and ready to install Oracle
> I have mounted the CD-ROM (automounted)
> then cd /cdrom/oracle/orainst
> When I tried
> ./orainst /c or ./orainst /m
> I keep getting segmentation fault
> setenv displays
> HOME=/usr/local/Oracle
> PATH=/usr/bin:
> LOGNAME=oracle
> rn
> TZ=Canada/Eastern
> TERM=xterm
> SHELL=/bin/csh
> PWD=/cdrom/oracle/orainst
> USER=oracle
> ORACLE_HOME=/cs/fac/packages/oracle/7.3.2
> ORACLE_BASE=/cs/fac/packages/oracle
> ORACLE_DOC=/cs/fac/packages/oracle/doc
> ORA_NLS32=/cs/fac/packages/oracle/7.3.2/ocommon/nls/admin/data
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/dt/lib
> Is there something I am missing?
> (PS- I have successfully installed this on s SparcStation 10
> with similar settings and it works fine)
> Seela Balkissoon
> Computer Systems
> York University, Department of Computer Science
> " Success is the difference between entertaining
> an idea and working with it "

Seela Balkissoon
Computer Systems
York University, Department of Computer Science

" Success is the difference between entertaining
an idea and working with it "