(no subject)
Bobby P. Huynh (bobby@c2sism1.monmouth.army.mil)
Fri, 16 May 1997 09:50:43 -0400
Below is my orginal question
> Hi all
> I try to upgrade some of SPARC2,5 20 WSs system performing. The verndor
> has requested me to give system INFO ( like BIOS, CPU speed...) Could
> someone please tell what commad should I use in order to get those INFO.
> did use "dmesg" command but it give me all funny character.
> --Thank you
It may depend on what system INFO that you are looking for to apply
correctly command. But I found out that most of command are very usefull.
"prtconf -pv"
"psrinfo -v"
"uname -a"
"dmesg | grep mem"
I would like thank you for those who is helping me
*Mr. Frank Pardo
*Mr.James Musso
*Mr. Rich von Richter
*Mr. garry robbins
*Mr. James Ranks
*Mr. Tim Evans
*Mr. Tinh Do
*Mr. Glenn Stachell
* Mr. Mark Fergusson
Bobby Huynh
Ft Monmouth, NJ 07703
Tel Off (908) 532-0324
Lab (908) 532-8956
Email: bobby@c2sism1.monmouth.army.mil