Mariel Feder (
Thu, 29 May 1997 18:34:09 -0800

Hello Sun Managers:
Thanks for your prompt replys which where some different from
each other:

My original question was:

> Dear managers:
> We are considering using Patrol to monitor our Sun workstations.
> Is anybody using it? Please send your comments.
> Is there any other good product for monitoring and getting alarms
> when something is out of expected range, etc?
> Thanks in advance
> Mariel

The answers I got were:

- Peter said that Patrol is difficult to configure and resource hungry.
They evaluated it and finally went to Ecotools.
Karen also suggested Ecotools.

- Bob said he is considering using it also.

- Jason suggested Landmark instead.

- Jay suggested swatch which is free

- Anchi said that he could not get anything from it, and that the
home made solutions are allways better.

>From all the answers, I've decided to try some purchased solutions
rather than a home made one.
We will evaluate Patrol and also the suggested Landmark and Ecotools.
In a few months if you are interested I can send you our conclusions.

Many thanks to:
Peter Tashkoff
Bob Shaw
Jay Stanley
Jason Noorman
Karen Barrett
Anchi Zhang




Mariel Feder

Phone: (63) (2) 632.8862 / 632.8977 / 632.2318 Fax: (63) (2) 632.8868

Meralco Electric Company Distributed Information Technology Team Manila - Philipines
