SUMMARY: Problem with jetadmin package install

Robin Winslett (
Tue, 13 May 1997 15:23:30 -0500

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Many thanks to those who replied with suggestions:

Richard Lacroix (
Ric Anderson <>
Jerry Weber <>
John Stoffel <>

Suggestions included check permissions and space in /var/tmp, setting
the NONABI_SCRIPTS environment variable, setting umasks and setting
permissions on the package itself. None worked although all appeared
to have a chance.

The problem ended up being that when the package was installing, it
su'ed to UID 6106, with a GID 1. /var/tmp/.../HPNP/install/request
is installed temporaily by pkgadd as:

-rw-rw---- 1 8744 300 4038 Oct 29 1996 request

The package works most of the time, but fails if UID 6106 is a valid
user. Then the access permissions don't allow the request file to
be accessed. Excluding users with UID 6106 from /etc/passwd
corrected the problem. I've informed HP of the bug.


My original note:

I'm trying to install jetadmin on an Enterprise 4000 running
Solaris 2.5.1. I'm getting an error during the pkgadd and I've
talked to HP about. They don't have an idea what's going on and I'm
out of ideas too. I've got the latest version of jetadmin for
Solaris (D2.10). I can install this same package on other servers
and it works fine.

Any ideas? I will summarize.


(sparc) D.02.10
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/var/tmp/dstreAAAa000Iy/HPNP/install/request: cannot open
pkgadd: ERROR: request script did not complete successfully
