The Solution was; I removed some huge directories on the root of a
filesystem mounted on the root and it came down to 16% utilization.
I am specialy gratefull for the help provided to me by all the people
who responded to me directly. the problem I faced is as bellow;
Hi Sun Managers,
I am faced with a problem which is as follows;
I have Solaris 2.5.1 on an E-3000 my root file system shows 100%
utilisation because of the proc file system which has listed quite a No.
of files with numeric names if I try to do any thing with these files it
gives me an 'cannot access I/O error'. On a df -k it shows all 0 for
proc I need to reduce utilisation on root.
-- Saeed Abubakar System Engineer Cyber Internet Services (Pvt) Ltd.