SUMMARY SUN 3/160 pblm

Maintenance Personnel (
Thu, 05 Jun 1997 14:16:05 +0500

My orginal question
I have an Old SUN3/160 (Motorola Based) standalone WS.The Hard disk crashed a
few days back.The Os Tapes (Sun OS 4.0.3) is giving error (read errror).
> I would like to know which other OS version will run on SUN 3/160.
> I had tried SUN OS 4.0.3c but it failed.
Almost all who replied indicated that the other compatible OS versions are SUN OS 4.1 , OS 4.1.1 , 4.1.1_u1.
My thanks to all who responded so fast.
Glenn Satchell - U
John Justin Hough
Benjamin Cline
Robert D. Worsham
Steve Snodgrass
john benjamins
Kevin Sheehan
Tom Leach
Jay Lessert
James Stevens

Jaepy Kurian.