SUMMARY:Sendmail Forwarding

Carlo Cosolo (
Fri, 16 May 1997 12:06:51 -0400

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Original Post

We are running an SS20 Mail host using Sendmail (outside of
firewall). Does anyone know how to block unauthorized mail forwarding
from other ISP mail hosts ie. through daemon switches or
parameters? Will summarize. Thanks.

Many Thanks to:
Claus Assmann
J.P. Racine
Rich Pieri
Ian McPhedran
Mike Gordon

The majority agreed that new rule sets in sendmail 8.8 will block
mail forwarding by spammers. The following sites provide further

Thanks again to all that replied, as usual You hit the nail on the


Carlo Cosolo (
Bell Solutions
100 Wynford Dr. Fl. 2 Network Operations
North York, M3C 1K4, Ontario, CANADA, 416-353-5092

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