Original Question
I have a computer (Remittance Processor, 8088 cpu) that MUST run on DOS 3.3.
Don't ask why, the thing was built in the stone ages. Currently, we are running
a novell (yuck) client on it so that it can map a drive off the novell (yuck)
file server. That same dir on the fileserver is shared (exported) out and is
mounted by an Ultra 2 and a Sparc 2000 both running 2.5.1. The whole idea is to
get the files that this 8088 is producing over to Oracle which is running on our
Sparc 2000. I want to take Novell out of the loop.
Is there ANY way I can mount a Unix filesystem onto this 8088 machine running
DOS 3.3 or vice-versa? Are there any Utils that will do this? Any help would
be appreciated.
The 8088 machine has a 20 MB harddrive so don't suggest anything huge.
In answer to the obvious, yes, we are going to upgrade this machine but the new
hardware won't be in till August so we have to limp thru till then.
Almost everybody suggested using an older version of PC-NFS ~5.1 or earlier.
This seems to be the way to go. It will allow me to get rid of Novell (yuck)
and mount to the far superior Unix (smile) OS. Since the machine only has 1MB
(yes you read it right...only 1MB) of RAM and a 20MB HD, I need to be judicious
in my choice.
Since it is an 8088, windows is out and so is Samba (thanks to Glenn Satchell
for pointing this out). A lot of people suggested Samba and I thought about it
also until Glenn enlightened me.
Other good suggestions
SOSS - ftp.spdcc.com/pub/sos
Use an ftp client for the PC.
Run Samba on the Unix box and run MS LAN Mgr. for DOS on the client.
Don't screw with it! * (see comment below)
Tsoft NFS client - www.tsoft.net
Solstice Netware server on a Sparc box! (Yeah right! Like I want to turn my
Sparc box into a Novell (yuck) server)(Sorry for the flame but how can you
even suggest this you blasphemer!)
Solstice Lan Mgr server on a Sparc box! (MICROSOFT!?!?! See same flame above!)
XFS186 - (no web address given)
Thanks to all who responded. Even to those who suggested polluting my Sparc box
with Novell (yuck) or Microslop. 8-)
* gotcha: After I got all these great suggestions, I went to my manager (who
had originally asked me to fix the damn thing) and told him "Yes I can do it. I
just need to install PC-NFS". (which we do have a license for the older version
so no $$$ spent) He said "Don't screw with it" Aaaaarrrggghhh!! I hope that
when I become a manager I can elect not to get the lobotomy!
David Fetrow <fetrow@biostat.washington.edu>
brian@chimera.psych.unimelb.edu.au (Brian Desmond)
Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services <Glenn.Satchell@Uniq.com.au>
Richard Skelton <rich@brake.demon.co.uk>
Frode Stromsvag <frode@read-well.no>
dlp@medphys.ucl.ac.uk (Dave Plummer)
nobroin@esoc.esa.de (Niall O Broin)
Gnuchev Fedor <qwe@ht.eimb.rssi.ru>
"Stuart Lawson"<Stuart_Lawson@ivax.com>
Richard Butler <richard@biocell.irmkant.rm.cnr.it>
birger@Vest.Skrivervik.No (Birger A. Wathne) (THE BLASPHEMER)
John DiMarco <jdd@cs.toronto.edu>
"Marc A. Holloway" <marc@edrc.demon.co.uk>
Rick von Richter | Phone: 619-552-6222
Systems/Network Admin | Fax: 619-552-6221
Maintenance Warehouse | Email: rickv@mwh.com
Science is true. Don't be misled by facts.