SUMMARY: [Q] Need recommend on Web metering software
Mon, 09 Jun 1997 09:48:03 -0400 (EDT)

Thank you for the answers. most people suggest following softrware:

. Hit list from Marketwave. Http://
. Analog -- free

Personnel I like Analog very much and we have been used it for a long time.
The reason we try to find another one is ANALOG does NOT support GUI interface.

My original post:
> We have tow Web. server, one is Internet and another is Intranet. The
> Internet server is BSDI UNIX (2.1) with Apache 1.2b10 installed. The
> Intranet server is SUN Sparc Solaris 2.5.1 and Netscape fasttrack server
> (2.0). We are looking for good commercial "metering" software to help us
> analyze the web server access information. The requirement for that
> software are:
> . fast (perl program is too slow for our log files)
> . support BSDI UNIX and/Or SUN SOlaris
> . access Web server log files and generate different report
> . Gui interface and very user friendly.(very important, our manager
>require that)
> . can support large volume of log files (our access_log file > 20 MB/month)
> Thank you for help.