I have just got myself a Sun SPARCstation 2 for home use and am trying to
configure it with the disks I've had lying around. In particular, a
Sun0535 disk (Seagate ST5660N) and a Sun0424 disk (Seagate ST1480N).
Unfortunately, with both disks in the machine, the 424 disk is the only
one detected. I have checked SCSI IDs and found that they are definitely
not conflicting (424 disk is at ID #1 and 535 disk is at ID #3).
Are there any known problems with this 424 disk not being able to play
friendly with other disks? Is this an issue with jumpers perhaps? FWIW,
both disks work great separately, but not together.
--- Solution (in my case) ---
Both internal drives were supplying TERMPWR to the SCSI bus and
unbeknownst to me, this is not required by the internal SCSI bus on the
SPARCstation 2 and other Sun models. I disabled this as well as all
internal termination and everything started to work as expected. For
extra measure, I also terminated the external SCSI port.
Response was great and prompt! Thanks very much to all those who replied.
Thanks to:
Chris Staunton <opti@pcez.net>
Richard Cooper <rcooper@desdbx.com>
Dave Staggs <dstaggs@kcii.com>
john benjamins <johnb@Soliton.COM>
Christopher M. Conway <cmconwa@sandia.gov>
Benjamin Cline <benji@hnt.com>
John W. Funk <jwf@ccuc.on.ca>
Bismark Espinoza <bismark@alta.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
Jim Harmon <jharmon@telecnnct.com>
Michael Pavlov <misha@ml.com>
Mike Frisch Email: mfrisch@saturn.tlug.org
Northstar Technologies WWW: http://mfrisch.rogerswave.ca/~mfrisch
Newmarket, Ontario, Canada