- Steve Snodgrass <ssnodgra@fore.com>
- Tim Evans <tkevans@eplrx7.es.dupont.com>
- Johnson, Lance <lance.johnson@teldta.com>
- Marcelo Maraboli <maraboli@dcsc.utfsm.cl>
- Steve Kilgore <isskilg@dca.ca.gov>
- Matthew Kelly <matt@hwcn.org>
My original problem is :
Q1) What is the default BIND version for Solaris 2.5.1,
How to check !?
Q2) If default verison of BIND > 4.9
Is it necessary install most update one 4.9.5 !?
Answer is :
A1) stock version of Solaris 2.5.1 is 4.8.X, if you install patches
103655-07 (Include in 2.5.1 Recommended Patch set), system will
upgrade to 4.9.3
Check BIND version by:
Method 1 : a) cd /usr/sbin/
b) strings in.named | grep named
Method 2 : /usr/ccs/bin/what /usr/sbin/in.named
A2) The most update BIND is 8.1, should update for following reason:
a) security reasons like SPOOFING,
b) limit the size that the named process grows to
Install Experience (Fail):
01) install the patch 103655-07
02) verify by "strings /usr/sbin/in.named | grep named"
Output is "@(#)named 4.9.3-P1"
03) Add resolv.h on obj.SunOS.5.5.1
03) However, when I compile, it still have following error messages
"ld: fatal: library -l44bsd: not found"
Further Question 1) Have I done something wrong .. how to fix it
04) O.K, I delete "-l44bsd", and compile again
Further Question 2) What actual effect if I delete "-l44bsd"
05) Further Error Messages is :
"groff -Tascii -mandoc aliases.5 > aliases.0
"sh: groff: not found
06) I delete install-docs, and re-compile, everything OK