Summary: Solaris 2.3 to 2.5.1 upgrade

Ruth H Woods (rwoods@Census.GOV)
Mon, 19 May 1997 15:06:03 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks to all who responded, especially Dave Bevans and Glenn Satchell.

The solution was to use ufsdump/ufsrestore to create the new system disk
before upgrade.

Dave Bevans' response:

-- Another possible issue is that when you rebuild a new drive from
backups you should use the "ufsdump" utility as opposed to using
"tar". The tar utility might not copy everything over completely.
It's known that when rebuilding systems you can copy files over that
may become corrupted or that the proper links were not established
correctly. The ufsdump command will copy bit for bit and take a
mirror image of the file system(s).

Glenn Satchell's response:

-- Basically tar has problems with with path names greater
than 100 characters which might affect you if you have deep
directory structures.

On Mon, 12 May 1997, Ruth H Woods wrote:

> Help,
> I have upgraded 5 sparcs with no major problems until the last one.
> The upgrade progresses normally up to the upgrade option, then it aborts
> with a segmentation fault, no messages. Followed the UPGRADING
> TROUBLESHOOTING Techniques, ran pfupgrade which reported 'Error adding
> swap, error = 0'. Removed the additional swap file from vfstab, leaving
> the original swap entry. Same results. The system boots with no problem
> and the swap area looks okay. Following is system identificaton:
> SunOS xxx 5.3 Generic_101318-59 sun4m sparc
> Would appreciate any help?
> Ruth Woods