I had to set my LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include some additonal
directories.... here is my full LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable now:
It has to be set this way in order to compile AND to run xwatchwin
Also, I had to set up every user so that their .cshrc file included the
xhost +myterminal
so that their terminal allows my terminal the permission to capture
xwindows sessions.
I did this easily since I have their .cshrc file source a .cshrc file
that is common to all machines. I just added the line 'xhost +myterm'
and thats set....
You can find xwatchwin at ftp://gigaserv.uni-paderborn.de
Thats about it....
Other options that I did not use were:
xjet ($$$commmercial)
xkey (only for keystrokes)
kibitz (only for xterm sessions and such)
script (no good for graphical xwindows stuff)
Thanks for the X-lib help from:
Jim Harmon
Rick Schieche
THanks for the other recommendations from:
Ken DiLullo
Gary Franczyk