#include <sys/socket.h>
is that i needed #include <sys/types.h> above it
It did indeed clear up my problems after which i
promptly ran into another problem where i was sending
too many arguments to a function (and when i looked
into the file i couldn't find a single instance of that function..
setpgrp... hmm, so my thrill and optimism only lasted about
30 minutes (i had to write a program to insert types.h everyhere
i could in the distribution package. alas..
erm, so if anyone has successfully compiled the
COW server with netrek (blush) please drop me a line to
clue me in on how it's done. :) I'll just have to live with
a client i guess
it was such a small problem that allowed me to advance such a short
distance i feel like someone who who's trying to climb up
a wall and say's hey, can someone down there give me a push,
and about ten strong hands all push and i bump head into the
ceiling :)
thanks go out to:
"William L. Hamlin" <whamlin@connetsys.com>
"Jeffrey S. Pokallus" <pokallus@ccr-p.ida.org>
rtrzaska@uk.mdis.com (Ray Trzaska)
werth@bns101.cs.lmco.com (Kurt Werth ph2493)
Robert Augustine <dresden.com@dresden.com>
"Christopher M. Conway" <cmconwa@sandia.gov>
nadya@bog.ucsd.edu (Nadya Williams)
Jim Beers <jbeers@LANcomp.COM>
"Boyko, Steve" <SBoyko@nbpower.com>
Steve Kilgore <isskilg@dca.ca.gov>
Harvey Wamboldt <harvey@iotek.ns.ca>
Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services <Glenn.Satchell@Uniq.com.au>
brian@chimera.psych.unimelb.edu.au (Brian Desmond)
Juyoung Park <jypark@comsun.chungnam.ac.kr>
fpardo@tisny.com (Frank Pardo)
admin@lovey.ucsd.edu (System Administrator)
Rafael Napoles Rodriguez <rnapoles@reduno.com.mx>
Richard Skelton <rich@brake.demon.co.uk>
Mariel Feder <unix.support@central.meralco.com.ph>