> Hello to you all.
> My problem: The Vancouver Community Net's sendmail daemon was
> used by a spammer to spam the Net. This person sent mail from
> a bogus location to our sendmail daemon who sent the email
> all over the world.
> My question: Is there some way to force the sendmail daemon to
> only accept email destined for the VCN or originating from a
> VCN user?
> Details: Sparc 20 running Solaris 2.4 (w/ patch 101945-37)
> and sendmail v8.8.5
Thanks to:
Carlo Cosolo <ccosolo@on.bell.ca>
Ryan Permeh <talis@midas.millcomm.com>
Ian MacPhedran <Ian_MacPhedran@mackenzie.usask.ca>
Stephen Harris <sweh@mpn.com>
Claus Assmann <ca@informatik.uni-kiel.de>
"Mark Steph" <mfs@exu.ericsson.se>
Terry Gorby <tgorby@emc.com>
"Rodney C. Marable" <marable@firefly.net>
Benjamin Cline <benji@hnt.com>
Brian Wells <brian@www.klondyke.net>
I was told to check out:
One suggestion was to install sendmail v8.8.6.
I had a look at http://www.sendmail.org/antispam.html and
it had the solution that I wanted.
Thanks to everyone! Spammers - watch out, 'cause she's
armed and dangerous :)
Dotty Pon, Volunteer System Administrator + dotty@tgivan.com
Vancouver CommunityNet + dpon@vcn.bc.ca