Summary: Hostid

Tom Wallace (
Fri, 23 May 1997 08:51:59 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks to all that replied, you really saved my skin!!

The solution to change the Hostid on a sparc station is as

1. Obtain a copy of the package called "change-sun-hostid-1.7.3"

2. Run the program called 'hid2'
#hid2 <newhostid>


3. Compile the code 'nvram-sol2.c'
This is the dangerous method that actually alters the
burn on the prom. Use with CAUTION.

I tested both methods, and had no problems on the sun4m platform
running Solaris 2.5.1.. Please read the full instructions before
executing these programs!!!

Thanks Again!!!

Tom Wallace