My original question is about password change . In my first mail I
mentioned that when
I attempt to login into my sun running solaris 2.5.1, a prompt tell me
my password has
been expired, and should to be changed . And I checked the
/etc/default/passwd and
/etc/passwd file , and I found nothing about password expiration . At
this mail I forgot to
mention I have also checked the /etc/shadow file , so everyone advised
that I should
check the /etc/shadow file. Then my second mail point out that I have
checked the
/etc/shadow file also , then there is just one mail from
said : " There is something like password aging which is in control by
the admins, so,
there must not be a parameter, but a script forcing you to change a
aged password to
secure your system a little bit more." I am sure a password aging
should do just that , but
I don't remember I had installed such a program .
More information/advice/clue will be welcome .