Anyone know if Windows 95 or NT apps can be served to Windows 95 or
NT clients ( PCs ) from a server running UNIX, like Solaris?
I was familiar with the SAMBA product but I thought it's capabilities
did not stretch to sharing MS (prefer not to utter the words
M--roS--t!) binaries.
My concerns were addressed by a few respondents as they mentioned
problems with dlls and Windows install programs ( like setup.exe )
causing client hangs when executed from a SAMBA drive. Sluggish
performance was also mentioned when compared to locally installed
Also mentioned was a security problem with Win95 version 4.00.950 and SAMBA.
Supposedly MS has a patch for this.
Thanks to all 28 respondents for their recommendations for:
-NFS for NT or Windows 95
-SAMBA (article in May '97 Sys Admin on setting up Samba,
http://lake.canberra.edu.au/pub/samba )
-Insignia- Ntrigue and Softwindows 95
-TAS (Totalnet Administration Services) from Syntax (www.syntax.com)
-WABI and remote-X
-NFS client like Maestro from Hummingbird Communications
-CENTRIX's WinCenter Server
UNIX Systems Manager
Centers for Special Populations and Health, Health Genetics and Methodology
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