I got a response for my external speaker question that will definately
shut me up on this one.
The submission was:-
----- Begin included message ---------
> Dear Sunsters,
> I submitted a query on using EXTERNAL speakers for sparc station 5 but
> as yet have not received anything that solves my problem (although I greatly
> appreciate the responses I have received).
> My problem is that I would like to use the EXTERNAL speaker that plugs into the
> AUI/Audio port at the back of the box, in replacemnet for (or together with) the
> internal speaker.
> I have plugged the external speaker into the AUI/audio port. I have found no
> documentation thats suggests I need to do anything else.
> YET - the speaker doesnt respond. The internal speaker goes on working though.
> Using the audiocontrol program I can select a device being SPEAKER, HEADPHONES
> or LINE. Selecting SPEAKER just controls the internal speaker NOT THE EXTERNAL
> SPEAKER I have plugged in.
> The external speaker box responds in no way except the power indicator light
> shines when I plug the speaker in.
> I have tried rebooting after plugging it in but without joy.
> Is there anything more anyone can suggest ?
> Machine: Sparc Station 5
> OS: Solaris 2.5
> Your help is much appreciated.
> David Gosbee - Colonial State Bank Treasury - Unix Admin
> Sydney, Australia
Thankyou Glenn Satchell for your response.
> From glenn@uniq.com.au Wed May 14 13:38:39 1997
> Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 13:39:53 +1000 (EST)
> From: Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services <Glenn.Satchell@uniq.com.au>
> To: david
> Subject: Re: Sparc station 5 audio speaker - again
> X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII
> Content-Length: 2312
> On a SS5 it's not a combined AUI/Audio port, it's just an AUI port.
> Only the SS10 and SS20 have a combined AUI/audio port. If you want
> external speakers then the type used on a walkman or PC sound card can
> be plugged into the headphone jack on the rear of the chassis.
> regards,
> --
> Glenn Satchell glenn@uniq.com.au www.uniq.com.au | Windows:
> Uniq Professional Services Pty Ltd ACN 056 279 335 |
> PO Box 70, Paddington, NSW 2021, (Sydney) Australia | Just another pane
> Phone 02 9380 6360 Pager 016 287 000 Fax 02 9380 6416 | in the glass...
> VISIT OUR WEB SITE http://www.uniq.com.au
I quite incorrectly assumed that the external speaker obviously shipped with our
SS10 and SS20's are NOT for the SS5. Oops!!
Thanks for your time Sunsters.