SUMMARY: vacation-like utility

Jim Englund (
Fri, 06 Jun 1997 14:19:21 -0400

Thanks to all who replied (listed below).

Original request:
>| I'm looking for a vacation-like utility that will send the From:,
>| Subject: & Date: lines from my incoming mail to some other e-mail
>| address and leave the incoming mail in my mailbox.

Responses fell into two categories:

1. get procmail from (hand updated) (hand updated)
Or directly as:

Special thanks to Jochen Bern who said:
>|That's pretty easy with procmail (which EVERYONE should use as local
>|Mailer for sendmail IMHO ;-) - here's a ~/.procmailrc Snippet that
>|should do the Trick:
>|| egrep '^(From|Subject|Date):' | mail
>|(where the first Line indicates "match the following 0 Conditions
>|and process the *h*eaders of a *c*arbon copy of the incoming Mail").
>|Of course, you can slip a Beautifier between the egrep and mail
>|Commands to prettyprint the Message like you suggested in your

2. write a script/program and use ~/.forward to send to myself and
pipe to the script/program.

Extra Special thanks to Stephen Harris who sent two scripts. This is
the second one:
>|Try this version. You run it from a .forward file (or an alias entry)
>|like this:
>| "|/path/to/script",\jim
>|This will handle the local delivery to /var/mail/jim so we don't have
>|to worry about that, and the email address is in the forward entry, so
>|the same script can be used for many people. Even better, we no longer
>|need to keep a temporary file ... A much easier program!
>|Remember - THIS IS UNTESTED CODE! It's been written especially for you :-)
>| #!/bin/sh
>| # passed parameter is remote mailbox to send to
>| (
>| echo To: $REMOTE_MAIL
>| echo Subject: Mail received
>| echo
>| echo You have received the following mail at HQ
>| echo
>| sed -n '1,/^$/p' | egrep '^(From|Subject|Date|Lines): '
>| ) | /bin/mail $REMOTE_MAIL
>| exit 0

I'm using the #2 approach for now, but checking out procmail is on my
to-do list.

Those who responded: 
Dan Pritts <>
"Garry.Robbins" <>
Stephen Harris <> 
Tim Fritz <>
Gary Franczyk <>
David Steiner <>
Mark Bergman <>
Rasana Atreya <>
Jochen Bern <bern@TI.Uni-Trier.DE>

________________________________________________________________________ Jim Englund Software Technology, Inc. La Plata, MD 301-934-5704 Fax: 301-934-5706 ________________________________________________________________________