Thanks to the following for providing rapid answers to my question
about rc*.d scripts for starting xdm and openwin at boot time.
Graeme Robertson <graemer@don'>
Dan Pritts <danno@don'>
Phil Banham <pbanham@don'>
Luca Pizzinato <Pizzinato@don'>
Michael Zimmerman <zimmer@don'>
John D Groenveld <groenvel@don'>
Padmanabh M Padaki <padaki@don'>
"Karl E. Vogel" <vogelke@don'>
It turns out that the install Solaris doesn't create any scripts or
pointers in any of the rc*.d directories to start xdm or openwin at
boot time. I'll have to make some scripts myself to do this. Fortunately,
several of the above mentioned folks sent sample scripts to do this.
Original posting:
> I recently performed an "Initial Installation" of Solaris 2.5.1
> (entire distribution) on an Axil 320 clone which has a DEC VT320 as a
> console terminal. After the installation, neither xdm nor openwin
> started upon booting. A brief inspection of the rc*.d directories
> reveals no script or pointer to a script that would start xdm or openwin.
> There also don't appear to be any entries in /etc/init.d that apply to
> starting xdm or openwin. Should the installation process have created
> any such pointers or scripts in /etc/init.d or rc*.d or do I have to
> create these myself? The directory /usr/openwin is present. Have I
> overlooked installing some other package for openwin or X?
Thanks, again.