SUMMARY: Internet service providers

CO Thomas Esser (
Fri, 20 Jun 1997 11:15:24 -0500 (CDT)


My previous question concerned finding internet services providers for
our facilities in other states. The following are several options for
finding some alternatives.
inet-access list
Try long distance carriers - AT&T, Sprint, MCI
Try netscape home page as they offer a ISP signup service
Try national providers: UUNet, Ultranet, PSINet
Try national networks: Compuserve, AOL
Serveral people provided specific names and web-sites for the areas in

A Hearty Thank you to the following people who provided this quick help, and
also to those others who may be responding later.

From: "Hathaway, Robert" <>
From: Tom Hermitt <>
From: Rich Kulawiec <>
From: Michael Pavlov <>
From: (Marc S. Gibian)
From: Liz Bartlett <>
From: "Rodney C. Marable" <>
From: David Fetrow <>
From: Bob Woodward <>
From: "Kevin P. Inscoe" <>
From: Jerry Russell <>
From: Ryan Permeh <>

Thomas \:)