SUMMARY: ip traffic annalysis
Thu, 26 Jun 1997 10:47:27 +0100

My original query was regarding the availability of IP monitoring tools
enabling us to specifically analyse traffic across our Internet gateway,
providing info about sites, protocols and byte/packet counts.

I already had ARGUS, a tool which performs the monitoring part (and
produces some basic stats) and was really looking for something to collate
these results into some sort of identifiable statistics if possibly, in the
form of graphical charts. The argus tool is extensible and I wondered
whether anyone had done so with respect to my requirements.

Unfortunately noone seems to have done this, however a number of people
made me aware of some other network monitoring packages, not neccessarily
what I was after but very usefull none the less. The details are as follws

all will run on Unix platforms and some have been partially ported to NT.

argus (as detailed in my earlier mailing)

CMU original location

COAST -- Computer Operations, Audit, and Security Technology

JANET -- Joint Accademic Network CERT


sniffit - fairly obvious what this does


MRTG (Multi Router Traffic Grapher) (examples of some graphs)

originally designed to produce statistics of router bandwidth useage,
produces excellent historical graphs. As it is SNMP based can be used
equally well to graph other snmp variables.



Tcl/TK network management extensions, I havn't looked at this in detail yet
but it looks to be a very capable and extensible network management tool.
SNMP tcp/ip based tools.


tcpdump - Akin to SNOOP

Fairly well known package, its functionality being used within a number of
packages. Just do a search for this to get a list of sites.

There are obviously a large number of commercial tools available of which
the following two were mentioned.

HP Netmetrix
Network General's Network Analyzer (PC)

If I remember the last time I looked at these tools they were hevay duty
network monitoring tools (packet analysis and network problem diagnosis)
and were also very expensive (5-20K).

In summary I didn't quite get what I was looking for which was something to
provide me with an overall picture of our Internet useage in some sort of
graphical/chart format (for the management) however I now have a number of
network monitoring tools which provide a great deal of functionality in

Many thanks again to those people who replied.

* *
* Stuart Burch Derwent Information Publishing *
* (Unix & Internet Support Analyst 14 Great Queens Street *
* London *
* Group Business Development WC2B 5DF. *
* *
* Email: Tel: 0171-344 2800 x 3001 *
* *