When the RSM is delivered there are four small shipping brackets, two
in the front and two in the rear of every tray. (This is not the big
bar across each tray.) If these brackets are not removed you can lose
mutliple drives at once and it happened to me. Even if SUN installed
your RSM make sure you check. I found out that most of the installers
don't know about this. I only found out after talking with 3 SUN
engineers. There is an alert out, however I heard that they
are not going back to old installations and removing them. The brackets
are small L shape clips on the front and Z shape in the rear. There is a
picture on page 6 of the SPARCstorage RSM Installation, Operations, and
Service Manual. I would be happy to fax it to anyone who needs it.
If you call SUN and they don't know about this you can reference my
SO # 2923844.
Good Luck
Jackie Rosinsky
Renaissance Technologies