The Computational logic, Languages, Implementation, and Parallelism Laboratory

Publications in Environments and Tools for Software Development

Articles in Refereed Journals:

  1. Joaquín Arias, Seppo Törmä, Manuel Carro, Gopal Gupta. Building Information Modeling Using Constraint Logic Programming. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Vol. 22, Num. 5, pages 723-738, 2022.

  2. I. Garcia-Contreras, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Incremental and Modular Context-sensitive Analysis. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Vol. 21, Num. 2, pages 196-243, Cambridge U. Press, January 2021.

  3. N. Stulova, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Some Trade-offs in Reducing the Overhead of Assertion Run-time Checks via Static Analysis. Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 155, pages 3-26, Elsevier North-Holland, April 2018. Selected and Extended papers from the 2016 International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming.

  4. P. Lopez-Garcia, L. Darmawan, M. Klemen, U. Liqat, F. Bueno, M. V. Hermenegildo. Interval-based Resource Usage Verification by Translation into Horn Clauses and an Application to Energy Consumption. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Special Issue on Computational Logic for Verification, Vol. 18, Num. 2, pages 167-223, Cambridge U. Press, March 2018. arXiv:1803.04451.

  5. I. Garcia-Contreras, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Semantic Code Browsing. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 32nd Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'16) Special Issue, Vol. 16, Num. 5-6, pages 721-737, Cambridge U. Press, September 2016.

  6. P. Lopez-Garcia, M. Klemen, U. Liqat, M. V. Hermenegildo. A General Framework for Static Profiling of Parametric Resource Usage. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 32nd Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'16) Special Issue, Vol. 16, Num. 5-6, pages 849-865, Cambridge U. Press, September 2016.

  7. N. Stulova, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Practical Run-time Checking via Unobtrusive Property Caching. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 31st Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'15) Special Issue, Vol. 15, Num. 04-05, pages 726-741, Cambridge U. Press, September 2015.

  8. A. Serrano, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. Resource Usage Analysis of Logic Programs via Abstract Interpretation Using Sized Types. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 30th Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'14) Special Issue, Vol. 14, Num. 4-5, pages 739-754, Cambridge U. Press, July 2014.

  9. M. V. Hermenegildo, F. Bueno, M. Carro, P. Lopez-Garcia, E. Mera, J.F. Morales, G. Puebla. An Overview of Ciao and its Design Philosophy. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Vol. 12, Num. 1-2, pages 219-252, Cambridge University Press, January 2012.

  10. M. V. Hermenegildo, G. Puebla, F. Bueno, P. Lopez-Garcia. Integrated Program Debugging, Verification, and Optimization Using Abstract Interpretation (and The Ciao System Preprocessor). Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 58, Num. 1-2, pages 115-140, Elsevier North-Holland, October 2005.

Articles in Refereed Conferences:

  1. Louis Rustenholz, Pedro Lopez-Garcia, José F. Morales, Manuel V. Hermenegildo. An Order Theory Framework of Recurrence Equations for Static Cost Analysis - Dynamic Inference of Non-Linear Inequality Invariants. Proceedings of the 31st Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2024), LNCS, Vol. 14995, Springer, October 2024.

  2. I. Casso, J. F. Morales, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. An Integrated Approach to Assertion-Based Random Testing in Prolog. Post-Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR'19), LNCS, Vol. 12042, pages 159-176, Springer-Verlag, April 2020.

  3. M. Klemen, P. Lopez-Garcia, J. Gallagher, J.F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. A General Framework for Static Cost Analysis of Parallel Logic Programs. Post-Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR'19), LNCS, Vol. 12042, pages 19-35, Springer-Verlag, April 2020.

  4. I. Garcia-Contreras, J.F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Incremental Analysis of Logic Programs with Assertions and Open Predicates. Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR'19), LNCS, Vol. 12042, pages 36-56, Springer, 2020.

  5. U. Liqat, Z. Bankovic, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. Inferring Energy Bounds via Static Program Analysis and Evolutionary Modeling of Basic Blocks. Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation - 27th International Symposium, LOPSTR 2017, Namur, Belgium, October 10-12, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10855, Springer, 2018.

  6. N. Stulova, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Reducing the Overhead of Assertion Run-time Checks via Static Analysis. 18th Int'l. ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP'16), pages 90-103, ACM Press, September 2016.

  7. R. Haemmerlé. On Combining Backward and Forward Chaining in Constraint Logic Programming. 16th Int'l. ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP'14), 12 pages, ACM Press, September 2014.

  8. N. Stulova, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Assertion-based Debugging of Higher-Order (C)LP Programs. 16th Int'l. ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP'14), pages 225-235, ACM Press, September 2014.

  9. U. Liqat, S. Kerrison, A. Serrano, K. Georgiou, P. Lopez-Garcia, N. Grech, M. V. Hermenegildo, K. Eder. Energy Consumption Analysis of Programs based on XMOS ISA-Level Models. Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 23rd International Symposium, LOPSTR 2013, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8901, pages 72-90, Springer, 2014.

  10. A. Serrano, P. Lopez-Garcia, F. Bueno, M. V. Hermenegildo. Sized Type Analysis for Logic Programs. Vol. 13, Num. 4-5, pages 1-14, Cambridge U. Press, August 2013.

  11. Z. Drey, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo, M. Carro. Reversible Language Extensions and their Application in Debugging. Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL'13), LNCS, Vol. 7752, Springer, January 2013.

  12. E. Albert, P. Arenas, M. Gómez-Zamalloa. Symbolic Execution of Concurrent Objects in CLP. Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL'12), LNCS, Vol. 7149, pages 123-137, Springer, January 2012.

  13. E. Mera, T. Trigo, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. Profiling for Run-Time Checking of Computational Properties and Performance Debugging in Logic Programs. Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL'11), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6539, pages 38-53, Springer-Verlag, January 2011.

  14. P. Lopez-Garcia, L. Darmawan, F. Bueno. A Framework for Verification and Debugging of Resource Usage Properties: Resource Usage Verification. Technical Communications of the 26th Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'10), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Vol. 7, pages 104-113, Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, July 2010.

  15. E. Mera, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. Integrating Software Testing and Run-Time Checking in an Assertion Verification Framework. 25th Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'09), LNCS, Vol. 5649, pages 281-295, Springer-Verlag, July 2009.

Books and Monographs:

  1. David S. Warren, Veronica Dahl, Thomas Eiter, Manuel Hermenegildo, Robert Kowalski, Francesca Rossi. Prolog - The Next 50 Years. LNCS, Num. 13900, Springer, July 2023.

  2. Ferreiro de Aguiar, Daniela. A System for generating interactive tutorials for CiaoPP. Ms. Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSIInf, E-28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, 57 pages, February 2023. MSc Thesis.

  3. Ferreiro de Aguiar, Daniela. Automatic Analysis of Code Examples. Ms. Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSIInf, E-28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, 66 pages, July 2021. BSc Thesis.

  4. I. Garcia-Contreras. A Scalable Static Analysis Framework for Reliable Program Development Exploiting Incrementality and Modularity. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSIInf, E-28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, 42 pages, July 2021. Advisors: M. V. Hermenegildo and Jose F. Morales.

  5. Pérez Carrasco, Víctor. Improvements to Parametric Cost Analysis and its Application to Smart Contracts. Ms. Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSIInf, E-28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, 63 pages, July 2021. MSc Thesis.

  6. Maximiliano Klemen. A General Framework for Static Resource Analysis and Profiling of (Parallel) Programs and an Application to Runtime Checking. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSIInf, E-28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, March 2021.

  7. Pérez Carrasco, Víctor. Analysis of Smart Contracts using Horn Clauses. Ms. Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSIInf, E-28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, 76 pages, June 2020. BSc Thesis.

  8. M. Klemen. Improved Static Analysis and Verification of Energy Consumption and other Resources via Abstract Interpretation. Ms. Thesis, Technical University of Madrid, ETSI_Informatica, E-28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, 88 pages, July 2015.

  9. E. Mera. A Unified Framework for Resource and Execution Time Analysis, Run-Time Checking and Unit-Testing. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Facultad Informática UPM, 28660-Boadilla del Monte, Madrid-Spain, November 2010.

  10. Susana Muñoz, José M. Gómez, Petra Hofstedt. Proceedings of WLPE 2004. 131 pages, INSA Rennes, September 2004.

Invited Papers and Tutorials:

  1. M. V. Hermenegildo. 50-Years of Prolog and Beyond (invited talk). November 2022. Keynote given at the Prolog 50th Anniversary `Prolog Day Symposium'.

  2. M. V. Hermenegildo. Some reflections on Prolog's evolution, status, and future on the 50th anniversary of the birth of Prolog (abstract of invited talk). 38th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'22 at FLoC'22), August 2022.

  3. M. V. Hermenegildo, I. Garcia-Contreras, J. Morales, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. Klemen, I. Casso. Multivariant Assertion-based Guidance of Top-down Horn Clause-based Analysis in CiaoPP. Workshop on Declarative Program Analysis (DPA 2019), 1 pages, July 2019. (Abstract of invited talk). Associated to FCRC 2019.

  4. M. V. Hermenegildo, M. Carro, P. Lopez-Garcia, J.F. Morales, J. Arias, I. Garcia-Contreras, M. Klemen, N. Stulova. 25 Years of Ciao (abstract of invited tutorial). Pre-proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR'18), September 2018.

  5. M. V. Hermenegildo, P. Lopez-Garcia, J. Morales, I. Garcia-Contreras, M. Klemen, N. Stulova. Horn Clause-based Program Analysis and Verification with CiaoPP. 1st International Workshop on Declarative Program Analysis (DPA 2018), 1 pages, July 2018. (Abstract of invited talk). Associated to ECOOP/ISSTA 2018.

  6. M. V. Hermenegildo, P. Lopez-Garcia, U. Liqat, M. Klemen. Energy Consumption Analysis and Verification by Transformantion into Horn Clauses and Abstract Interpretation. 5th International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation (VPT 2017), Vol. 253, pages 4-6, EPTCS, April 2017. (Abstract of invited talk).

  7. M. V. Hermenegildo, G. Puebla, F. Bueno, P. Lopez-Garcia. Program Development Using Abstract Interpretation (and The Ciao System Preprocessor). 10th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'03), LNCS, Num. 2694, pages 127-152, Springer-Verlag, June 2003.

Articles in Books and Other Collections:

  1. Gopal Gupta, Elmer Salazar, Joaquín Arias, Kinjal Basu, S Varanasi, M Carro. Prolog: Past, Present, and Future. Prolog - The Next 50 Years, LNCS, Num. 13900, Springer, July 2023.

  2. M.V. Hermenegildo, J.F. Morales, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. Carro. Types, modes and so much more - the Prolog way. Prolog - The Next 50 Years, LNCS, Num. 13900, pages 23-37, Springer, July 2023.

  3. J.F. Morales, S. Abreu, D. Ferreiro, M.V. Hermenegildo. Teaching Prolog with Active Logic Documents. Prolog - The Next 50 Years, LNCS, Num. 13900, pages 171-183, Springer, July 2023.

  4. M.V. Hermenegildo, J.F. Morales, P. Lopez-Garcia. Some Thoughts on How to Teach Prolog. Prolog - The Next 50 Years, LNCS, Num. 13900, pages 107-123, Springer, July 2023.

  5. P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo, M. Klemen, U. Liqat. Energy Consumption Analysis and Verification using CiaoPP. The ALP Newsletter, Vol. 30, Num. 3, The Association for Logic Programming, September 2017.

  6. K. Georgiou, U. Liqat. Towards LLVM-Based Energy Consumption Analysis of Programs. ICT-Energy (Nanoenergy) Letters, Num. 8, pages 16-17, July 2014.

  7. M. V. Hermenegildo, F. Bueno, M. Carro, P. Lopez-Garcia, J.F. Morales, G. Puebla. An Overview of The Ciao Multiparadigm Language and Program Development Environment and its Design Philosophy. Festschrift for Ugo Montanari, LNCS, Vol. 5065, pages 209-237, Springer-Verlag, June 2008.

Publications in Refereed Workshops:

  1. M. Klemen, M.Á. Carreira-Perpiñán, P. Lopez-Garcia. Solving Recurrence Relations using Machine Learning, with Application to Cost Analysis. Technical Communications of the 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), Vol. 385, pages 155-168, Open Publishing Association (OPA), July 2023.

  2. D. Jurjo, J. F. Morales, P. Lopez-Garcia, M.V. Hermenegildo. Towards a rule-based approach for deriving abstract domains. Technical Communications of the 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), Vol. 385, pages 55-58, Open Publishing Association (OPA), July 2023. (Extended Abstract).

  3. D. Ferreiro, J.F. Morales, S. Abreu, M.V. Hermenegildo. Demonstrating (Hybrid) Active Logic Documents and the Ciao Prolog Playground, and an Application to Verification Tutorials. Technical Communications of the 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), Vol. 385, pages 324-330, Open Publishing Association (OPA), July 2023. See also associated poster at

  4. G. Garcia-Pradales, J.F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo, J. Arias, M. Carro. An s(CASP) In-Browser Playground based on Ciao Prolog. ICLP'22 Workshop on Goal-directed Execution of Answer Set Programs, August 2022.

  5. M. A. Sanchez-Ordaz, I. Garcia-Contreras, V. Perez-Carrasco, J. F. Morales, P. Lopez-Garcia, M.V. Hermenegildo. VeriFly: On-the-fly Assertion Checking with CiaoPP. 6th Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment (F-IDE 2021, part of NASA NFM'21), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), pages 1-5, Open Publishing Association (OPA), May 2021. Co-located with ETAPS 2021.

  6. I. Garcia-Contreras, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Incremental and Modular Context-sensitive Analysis. Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis (HCVS 2021), March 2021. (Talk).

  7. I. Casso, J. F. Morales, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. An Integrated Approach to Assertion-Based Random Testing in Prolog. Pre-proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR'19), November 2019.

  8. M. Klemen, P. Lopez-Garcia, J. Gallagher, J.F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. A General Framework for Static Cost Analysis of Parallel Logic Programs. Pre-proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR'19), November 2019.

  9. I. Garcia-Contreras, J.F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Experiments in Context-Sensitive Incremental and Modular Static Analysis in CiaoPP. 10th Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program Analysis (TAPAS'19), October 2019. (Extended Abstract).

  10. I. Garcia-Contreras, J.F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Incremental Analysis of Logic Programs with Assertions and Open Predicates. Pre-proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR'19), October 2019.

  11. P. Lopez-Garcia, M. Klemen, U. Liqat, M. V. Hermenegildo. A General Framework for Static Profiling of Parametric Resource Usage (extended abstract). 19th International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity (LCC 2018), 4 pages, July 2018. Associated to FLOC 2018.

  12. I. Garcia-Contreras, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Towards Incremental and Modular Context-sensitive Analysis. Technical Communications of the 34th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2 pages, Dagstuhl Press, July 2018. (Extended Abstract).

  13. M. Klemen, N. Stulova, P. Lopez-Garcia, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Towards Static Performance Guarantees for Programs with Run-time Checks. Technical Communications of the 34th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2 pages, July 2018. (Extended Abstract).

  14. U. Liqat, Z. Bankovic, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. Inferring Energy Bounds via Static Program Analysis and Evolutionary Modeling of Basic Blocks. Pre-proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR'17), October 2017. arXiv:1601.02800.

  15. Nataliia Stulova. On Improving Run-time Checking in Dynamic Languages. Technical Communications of the 33rd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2017), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Vol. 58, pages 1501-1510, Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2017. CP/ICLP/SAT Doctoral Program 2017.

  16. U. Liqat, Z. Bankovic, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. Inferring Energy Bounds Statically by Evolutionary Analysis of Basic Blocks. Workshop on High Performance Energy Efficient Embedded Systems (HIP3ES 2016), 2016. arXiv:1601.02800.

  17. R. Haemmerle, M. V. Hermenegildo, M. Klemen, U. Liqat, P. Lopez-Garcia. Energy Analysis and Verification by Translation to Horn Clauses and Abstract Interpretation. Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis (HCVS'2015), July 2015.

  18. P. Lopez-Garcia, R. Haemmerlé, M. Klemen, U. Liqat, M. V. Hermenegildo. Towards Energy Consumption Verification via Static Analysis. Workshop on High Performance Energy Efficient Embedded Systems (HIP3ES), arXiv:1501.03064, 11 pages, 2015. arXiv:1512.09369.

  19. N. Stulova, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. Towards Assertion-based Debugging of Higher-Order (C)LP Programs (Extended Abstract). Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 30th Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'14) Special Issue, On-line Supplement, Vol. 14, Num. 4-5, pages 209-210, Cambridge U. Press, July 2014.

  20. U. Liqat, S. Kerrison, A. Serrano, K. Georgiou, P. Lopez-Garcia, N. Grech, M. V. Hermenegildo, K. Eder. Energy Consumption Analysis of Programs based on XMOS ISA-Level Models. Pre-proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR'13), September 2013.

  21. A. Serrano, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. Towards an Abstract Domain for Resource Analysis of Logic Programs Using Sized Types. 23rd Workshop on Logic-based Methods in Programming Environments (WLPE 2013), 15 pages, August 2013. CoRR abs/1308.3940.

  22. P. Lopez-Garcia, L. Darmawan, F. Bueno, M. V. Hermenegildo. Interval-based Resource Usage Verification: Formalization and Prototype. 2nd International Workshop on Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource Analysis (FOPARA'2011), May 2011.

  23. M. V. Hermenegildo, F. Bueno, M. Carro, P. Lopez-Garcia, E. Mera, J.F. Morales, G. Puebla. The Ciao Approach to the Dynamic vs. Static Language Dilemma. Proceedings for the International Workshop on Scripts to Programs (STOP'11), 4 pages, ACM, 2011.

  24. M. Carro. The Amos Project: An Approach to Reusing Open Source Code. Proceedings of the CBD 2002 / ITCLS 2002 CoLogNet Joint Workshop, pages 59-70, Facultad de Informática, September 2002.

Technical Reports and Manuals:

  1. Louis Rustenholz, Pedro Lopez-Garcia, José F. Morales, Manuel V. Hermenegildo. An Order Theory Framework of Recurrence Equations for Static Cost Analysis - Dynamic Inference of Non-Linear Inequality Invariants. Num. CLIP-1/2024.0, IMDEA Software Institute and Technical University of Madrid (UPM), May 2024.

  2. Louis Rustenholz, Pedro Lopez-Garcia, José F. Morales, Manuel V. Hermenegildo. An Order Theory Framework of Recurrence Equations for Static Cost Analysis - Dynamic Inference of Non-Linear Inequality Invariants. 2024.

  3. Louis Rustenholz, Maximiliano Klemen, Miguel Ángel Carreira-Perpiñán, Pedro López-García. A Machine Learning-based Approach for Solving Recurrence Relations and its use in Cost Analysis of Logic Programs. 2024. Under consideration for publication in TPLP.

  4. J.F. Morales, S. Abreu, D. Ferreiro, M.V. Hermenegildo. Teaching Prolog with Active Logic Documents. Num. CLIP-1/2022.0, Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and IMDEA Software Institute, December 2022.

  5. M.A. Sanchez-Ordaz, I. Garcia-Contreras, V. Perez-Carrasco, J. F. Morales, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. VeriFly: On-the-fly Assertion Checking via Incrementality. Num. CLIP-1/2021.0, 21 pages, The CLIP Lab, IMDEA Software Institute and T.U. Madrid, May 2021.

  6. G. Garcia-Pradales, J.F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. The Ciao Playground. Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and IMDEA Software Institute, 2021.

  7. I. Garcia-Contreras, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. An Approach to Incremental and Modular Context-sensitive Analysis of Logic Programs. Num. CLIP-2/2018.0, 28 pages, The CLIP Lab, IMDEA Software Institute and T.U. Madrid, April 2018.

  8. M. Klemen, N. Stulova, P. Lopez-Garcia, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. An Approach to Static Performance Guarantees for Programs with Run-time Checks. Num. CLIP-1/2018.0, 15 pages, The CLIP Lab, IMDEA Software Institute and T.U. Madrid, April 2018.

  9. P. Lopez-Garcia, R. Haemmerlé, U. Liqat, M. Klemen, M. V. Hermenegildo. Parametric Static Profiling. Num. CLIP-2/2015.0, The CLIP Lab, April 2015.

  10. N. Stulova, J. F. Morales, M. V. Hermenegildo. An Approach to Assertion-based Debugging of Higher-Order (C)LP Programs. Num. CLIP-1/2014.0, 25 pages, The CLIP Lab, January 2014. CoRR abs/1404.4246 [cs.PL].

  11. E. Mera, T. Trigo, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. An Approach to Profiling for Run-Time Checking of Computational Properties and Performance Debugging. Num. CLIP3/2010.0, 29 pages, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), March 2010.

  12. M. V. Hermenegildo, F. Bueno, M. Carro, P. Lopez-Garcia, E. Mera, J.F. Morales, G. Puebla. An Overview of Ciao and its Design Philosophy. Num. CLIP2/2010.0, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), March 2010. Under consideration for publication in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).

  13. E. Mera, P. Lopez-Garcia, M. V. Hermenegildo. Towards Integrating Run-Time Checking and Software Testing in a Verification Framework. Num. CLIP1/2009.0, 19 pages, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), March 2009.

  14. E. Mera. Development of a Prolog Profiler. Num. CLIP13/2004.1, Technical University of Madrid, September 2004.

  15. F. Bueno, D. Cabeza, M. Carro, M. V. Hermenegildo, P. Lopez-Garcia, G. Puebla (Eds.). The Ciao System. Reference Manual (V1.10). School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), June 2004. System and on-line version of the manual available at

  16. J. M. Gomez, M. Carro, J. F. Morales. The External Interface. Num. CLIP6/2004.0, 4 pages, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid, May 2004. Deliverable D12 of the AMOS Project.

  17. J. F. Morales, E. Mera, M. Carro, J. Correas. The Interface Internals. Num. CLIP7/2004.0, 30 pages, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid, May 2004. Deliverable D14 of the AMOS Project.

  18. J. Correas, E. Mera, J. F. Morales. Final Matching Engine. Num. CLIP8/2004.0, 2 pages, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid, May 2004. Deliverable D15 of the AMOS Project.

  19. M. Carro, J. M. Gomez, J. Correas, J. F. Morales, E. Mera, G. Puebla, D. Cabeza, F. Bueno, C. Daffara, M. V. Hermenegildo. Web site. Num. CLIP9/2004.0, 2 pages, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid, May 2004. Deliverable D17 of the AMOS Project.

  20. M. Carro, J. Correas, C. Daffara, G. Puebla, M. V. Hermenegildo. Information Spreading. Num. CLIP10/2004.0, 273 pages, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid, May 2004. Deliverable D18 of the AMOS Project.

  21. M. Carro, J. M. Gomez, J. Correas, J. F. Morales, E. Mera, G. Puebla, D. Cabeza, F. Bueno, C. Daffara, M. V. Hermenegildo. AMOS User's Manual. Num. CLIP4/2004.0, 44 pages, Technical University of Madrid, March 2004.

  22. M. Carro, J. M. Gomez, J. Correas. The Matching Engine Prototype. Num. CLIP13/2003.0, 2 pages, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid, August 2003. Deliverable D8 of the AMOS Project.

  23. M. Carro, C. Daffara, F. Bueno, D. Cabeza. Selection Heuristics for Matching. Num. CLIP12/2003.0, 18 pages, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid, May 2003. Deliverable D7 of the AMOS Project.

  24. M. Carro. The AMOS Project: The Matching Engine Design. Num. CLIP2/2003.1, Technical University of Madrid, February 2003.

  25. M. Carro, J. M. Gomez, J. Correas. The AMOS Project: The Internal Query Language Design. Num. CLIP1/2003.1, 77 pages, Technical University of Madrid, December 2002.

  26. M. Carro, C. Daffara, G. Puebla. The AMOS Project: An Approach to Reusing Open Source Software. Num. CLIP3/2002.0, Technical University of Madrid, August 2002. Presented at the V Hispalinux Conference, Madrid, Spain.

  27. F. Bueno, D. Cabeza, M. Carro, M. V. Hermenegildo, P. Lopez-Garcia, G. Puebla. The Ciao Prolog System. Reference Manual (V1.8). Num. CLIP4/2002.1, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), May 2002. System and on-line version of the manual available at

  28. F. Bueno, D. Cabeza, M. Carro, M. V. Hermenegildo, P. Lopez-Garcia, G. Puebla. The Ciao Prolog System. Reference Manual (V1.6). Num. CLIP5/2000.1, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), July 2000. System and on-line version of the manual available at

  29. F. Bueno, D. Cabeza, M. Carro, M. V. Hermenegildo, P. Lopez-Garcia, G. Puebla. The Ciao Prolog System. Reference Manual (V1.0). Num. CLIP11/99.1, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), June 1999. System and on-line version of the manual available at

  30. F. Bueno, D. Cabeza, M. Carro, M. V. Hermenegildo, P. Lopez-Garcia, G. Puebla. The Ciao Prolog System. Reference Manual (V0.6). Num. CLIP12/98.1, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), July 1998. System and on-line version of the manual available at

  31. F. Bueno, D. Cabeza, M. Carro, M. V. Hermenegildo, P. Lopez-Garcia, G. Puebla. The Ciao Prolog System. Reference Manual. Num. CLIP3/97.1, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), August 1997. System and on-line version of the manual available at

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