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Galician Bagpipes

© Manuel Carro 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 - Version 1.5

July 13, 2001

Permission to redistribute in all or in part is granted, provided that the original source is clearly cited.

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¡Dendesd'o Lerez lixeiro
Ás veigas qu'o Miño esmalta,
Non houbo n'o mund'enteiro
Máis arrogante gueiteiro
Qu'o gueiteiro de Penalta!
Xentil, aposto, arrogante,
En cada nota o gueiteiro
Ceibaba un limpo diamante
Que logo no redobrante
Pulía o tamborileiro.

      Curros Enríquez

Boy, play until the dead wake up and walk!
      Ricardo Portela

Here you will find some bits of information about the Galician Bagpipe (``gaita galega''). Any comments, questions, suggestions for additions, etc. are very welcome, and will be addressed here as time allows. Check out the To Do list at the end, and make your wish! But please, bear in mind that I do not know everything (who does?), and that my opinions and views may be biased -- but I'll do my best to give impartial information.

I would appreciate very much every correction (specially those related to my rather peculiar use of English) and contribution to this document. I will give credit to the people who have contributed, unless they explicitly refuse to appear here. Please bear in mind that some mistakes cannot be directly attributed to me, but I am willing to correct them. If you spot any error or inconsistency, please let me know!.

I give herein explicit permission to redistribute this document in any format (floppy disk, e-mail, electronic transference, hardcopy, etc), as long as the document includes this notice, it is not sold or distributed for profit, and clear directions on how to retrieve it in whole remain. Portions of this document (mainly scores, when I add any...) may be copyrighted, and if anyone makes profit of them, it is his/her responsibility to arrange legal matters.

For pointers with information about other types of bagpipes, please refer to my hobbies which can also be reached from my beloved home page.

I am on Internet, and

\begin{address}Manuel Carro \\
Dept. Inteligencia Artificial \\
Facultad de ...
...ncedo, S/N \\
Boadilla del Monte \\
E-28660 Madrid \\

in the snail-mail world.

From time to time I receive e-mail asking me to keep people up-to-date with respect to the changes I might make on these pages. Though I do keep the mail addresses of everyone who sends me e-mail concerning the gaitapages, and I tell them when any major update takes place, you may want to simply be notified automatically. To this end I advise you to use the URL-minder free service. Either send a mail to with an empty body and a subject line ``URL-minder help'' (without the quotes) or visit their home page.

Note: some of these pages contain graphics. If you are using a graphical WWW browser, and the link happens to be slow, you may want to turn off automatic graphics loading.

You can also retrieve the whole document in PostScript format (about 280K), in compressed PostScript (using GNU's gzip, about 135K), and in compressed format using DOS zip (around 110K).

That's enough. Now, go to the real stuff.

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