Program in Methods for the Development of Dependable, High-Quality, and Secure Software
(PROgrama en MÉtodos para el Desarrollo de Software Fiable, de Alta Calidad y Seguro)
Global SummaryThe importance of software is continuously increasing, and it is controlling essential aspects of our lives. As a consequence, software reliability, quality, and security must become fundamental components of most software applications. However, errors appear very often in software development, producing serious damage in the systems they are controlling (e.g. the failure of the Ariane 501 or the Panama incident, where developers of a program for a cancer treating device were convicted by a jury delivering unreliable software that caused several deaths). Global control of quality can only be obtained by a rigorous process covering all the phases of software development. The proposed program aims at integrating the research capabilities of several groups working in the creation of software systems which feature quality attributes, notably reliability and security, but also good performance. The mechanisms to be integrated cover a wide range of techniques (software development environments, specification languages, code generation from specifications, abstract interpretation, declarative programming languages, security by using proof carrying code, program semantics, formal methods, etc.). The workprogramme includes both scientific activities in the aforementioned topic, and more global actions including dissemination, training, hiring, technology transfer, and launching collaborative projects at national and international level (framework program, technological platforms, Eureka-ITEA, ESF/ERC, etc.) jointly with other practitioners. Although an intensive cooperation between the CM groups is planned, a strong interaction with other actors will also be required, including industry and other research partners, an area of collaboration where the proposers have a significant track record. |
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