Program in Methods for the Development of Dependable, High-Quality, and Secure Software
(PROgrama en MÉtodos para el Desarrollo de Software Fiable, de Alta Calidad y Seguro)
Scientific and Technical ObjectivesThe PROMESAS-CM R&D program fits into the field Communications and Information Technologies of the IV PRICIT, within the Software development scientific line, and more specifically (IV-PRICIT , Chap. X, page 213): methodologies, environments and tools for software modeling, analysis, development, validation, verification and maintenance; reliability and quality of software; new languages and environments for programming and software development models and specification of concurrent programming; free software development and engineering. The main objective is to firmly contribute to development of safe, reliable, high-quality software products. The applicant groups have carried out extensive research on the matter, with a strong nexus in their scientific points of view: the use of declarative and rigorous technologies for software development. The present scientific plan is justified by this research activity, continued by current projects (and hopefully by future, requested ones) of the four applicant groups. |
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