Support |
Other Aspects
The PROMESAS Program will allow the integration of the
research, educational, and technology transfer activities of the
groups involved:
- joint development of software tools that will benefit of
the knowledge and techniques acquired by the different groups in
the development of their own tools.
- development of a common infrastructure of servers and services
(version control systems, software developments tools, and so on).
- increase in the mobility of researchers inside the
Program, with regular workshops in which the different groups will
present their results. During the first two years, these workshops
will be organized monthly.
- creation of an organizational structure, with a program
manager whose task is to bring additional financial resources to
the Program and to support technology transfer activities.
- hiring of PhD researchers, experts in rigorous
methods for software development.
- organization of joint educational activities for the
companies associated to the Program, like advanced courses
for their engineers, or one-day workshops to present the
Program to interested companies or public agencies.
- definition of a joint PhD program, with an international
perspective, for future experts in the various disciplines
involved in the development of secure and reliable software.
- joint studies of challenges proposed by the associated companies,
which will result in a better, more comprehensive
joint solution, and will require a deeper understanding of
our different approaches.
- internationalization of the Program by our active
participation in the development of the international platforms,
projects, and programs mentioned above.