Program in Methods for the Development of Dependable, High-Quality, and Secure Software
(PROgrama en MÉtodos para el Desarrollo de Software Fiable, de Alta Calidad y Seguro)
GPD Group (UCM)The Declarative Programming Group: GPD, has been recently officially recognized as research group at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. This group has wide experience in the field of declarative programming, especially in the development of semantic frameworks and implementations of multiparadigm declarative languages. Since its creation in 1987, the group has been financially supported by five national CICYT projects and two Esprit WG. The group tries to cover in a well balanced way theoretical work and system development, including Toy, a system for constraint functional logic programming.Also, a certain amount of technology transfer has been made trough some contracts with industry, namely Repsol and Cofares. More information can be found in the GPD group website. |
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