Program in Methods for the Development of Dependable, High-Quality, and Secure Software
(PROgrama en MÉtodos para el Desarrollo de Software Fiable, de Alta Calidad y Seguro)
FADOSS Group (UCM)The research group FADOSS: Formal Analysis and Design Of Software Systems, whose director is Narciso Martí Oliet, has also recently been officially recognized as a research group by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. This group appears as a consequence of the evolution and internal reorganization of the group of formal methods for concurrency, created by David de Frutos in the 80s and pioneer in Spain in developing algebraic models for concurrency. The current members of the group have participated, among others, in the following CICYT projects: DISC, DFSD, EDEN, AMEVA, MELODIAS, and MIDAS. The research of this group is also founded in the application of theoretical results to the development of specification systems (Maude), programming systems (Maude and Eden), and verification systems (ITP). More information can be found in the UCMaude website. |
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