Most replies suggested I either just move NCSA httpd to the Solaris 2.6 system,
or that I go with Apache, as the configuration files are basically the same. One
person provided enough information that, along with discovering that
documentation is installed as the default page on the newly installed server, I
have been able to hack together a solution.
The only problem I have is controlling access to the cgi interface. I want to
allow access to the cgi interface files, but prevent generating a directory
listing of the cgi directory I am adding (via a pair of map directives in the
/etc/http/httpd.conf file). Otherwise, I think I am getting a hang of the SWS
configuration mechanism and its access control facility. It seems to be built
more for web servers providing multiple virtual host support, but it also its
FAR faster than my old configuration... and its good enough and secure enough to
allow me to deploy it.
My thanks to:
"D. Stewart McLeod" <>
Mike Myers <>
Jon Mitchell <> (Thomas Anders)
James Harmon <>
Oh, by the way... it was pointed out that Sun uses Apache and not their own SWS.
Anyone want to explain why they don't use their own product and expect us to?
Marc S. Gibian
COMSYS Information Technology Services phone: (781) 377-6350
PRISM/TFS email:
or is it:
well, maybe:
and if all else fails: