SUMMARY: FTP from different login account

Manisha Agrawal (
Sat, 20 Sep 1997 12:09:08 +0530

The original question was:
> We have two SUN servers one a SUN SPARC20 and the other a SUN SPARC5. Both
>are riunning Solaris 2.5. While I am able to ftp from the SS5 to SS20 but not
>the other way around except from root, sysadm and guest logins. Any ideas on
>where / what permissions are required to do an FTP from all accounts.???
>I will send the summary
>Thanks for any help

The problem was solved by including the path of the shell of the
accounts in the file /etc/shells (/usr/bin/bash in this case)on the SS5
i.e. the machine that did not allow the ftp.

The summary follows:

Seth Rothenberg wrote:

I believe you need to be sure that /etc/shells has an entry for the
login shell of each user.
Also, you can check /etc/ftpusers. For more info, "man ftpd"

K.Ravi wrote:

Here are the possible reasons for ftp to fail for any user:
- User account has no password
- User's name is mentioned in /etc/ftpusers
- User's shell is something other than sh, csh or ksh & that is not
in /etc/shells.

I would also like to thank you all for your prompt replies:

Alejandro Lopez-Valencia
Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services
Daniel Ellis
Borba, Wilter
Rich Snyder
Singh Adrian
Matthew Stier
Kamal Kantawala
Joel Lee
Manish Doshi