Best wishes,
C. M. Kurt
Original Message:
Hello Sun-Managers,
Last night I changed our NIS+ domain. The new setup appears to be
working fine in every way except one: users can not use telnet on
certain machines. The error message is: "Unable to connect to remote
host. Connection refused." Since everything was working fine before I
changed the domain, I assume this is a NIS+ configuration error. Ftp,
rlogin, etc. work fine.
Even more confusing is the fact a successful telnet session is machine
dependent. In other words, from machine A I can get to B and C but no
one else, while on machine B I can get to D and E but no one else.
There doesn't seem to be a pattern to it. Our machines are SPARC5's,
SPARC10's, Ultra1's and Ultra2's all running Solaris 2.5.1. I need this
problem fixed asap because many of my users only have PC's and
*must* telnet to our Suns. I'd appreciate any help anyone can give. I
will summarize. TIA.
Best wishes,
C. M. Kurt