SUMMARY: news server

Mario \ (
Fri, 19 Sep 1997 18:02:27 -0600 (CST)

Inn is the option, but i will try first the Netscape because of the
GUI administration.

I have great UNIX knowledge but i will install the server on K-12 schools
and they do not have skillfull people, so i will try Netscape first.

Also as soon as i get the gcc- i will compile inn on my Ultra with
Solaris 2.6.

Thanks for:
John Stoffel
Rodney C. Marable
Benjamin Cline
Ralph Finch
Jason L. Harrell
Chris Tubutis
Joseph Kovasckitz
Mike Frisch
Rich Kulawiec
David Wolfskill

* _ *
* Mario "Mago" Haza. / \ ___ *
* Centro de Investigacion en Computacion Educativa \ \ /\_/ *
* Coordinacion de Soporte Tecnico \ \ / / *
* Research Center for Computing & Education \ \ / / *
* Technical Support / O O \ *
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