I am trying to install a news server on a Ultra 1 with solaris 2.6.
I think i have three options: cnews, inn or netscape software. Do you have
any comments on any of those?.
I do not know where i can get the cnews so i will appreciate if anyone can
give me the address.
The server will function as a local usenet, it is not intended for global
Thanks in advance.
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* Mario "Mago" Haza. / \ ___ *
* Centro de Investigacion en Computacion Educativa \ \ /\_/ *
* Coordinacion de Soporte Tecnico \ \ / / *
* Research Center for Computing & Education \ \ / / *
* Technical Support / O O \ *
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* e-mail: mhaza@ua9000.dcc.anahuac.mx \ _[|]_ / *
* mhaza@www.dcc.anahuac.mx ____{||}___{||}____ *
* mhaza@tajin.cice.mx |_________________| *
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* Tel. (5) 627-0210 Ext. 8530 u 8527 | | *
* Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico City) | | *
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