Students that want to obtain the Double Degree should apply directly at our coordinator university ( Technical University of Dresden).
Students that want to study the local Master (not Double Degree) should apply to the regular procedure of the Computer Science School (Facultad de Informática)
A Computer Science Degree or similar.
UPM students that have finished all courses but have not presented the dissertations (Finish Career Project) can also apply. See general requirements for apply.
Students from third countries check the deadline according to Erasmus Mundus.
For the rest of applications, the limit date will be publicize.
If your application was accepted, the Course Examination Board will send you a confirmation letter, stating that you are accepted for the Master Program.
Foreign students will get a letter from the UPM that should be used to apply for a student visa at the Spanish Embassy of their home country.
IMPORTANT: You are not allowed to study with a tourist visa!.