Paul Tarau¹ and Koen De Bosschere²
¹Département d'Informatique,
Université de Moncton, Canada
²Vakgroep Elektronica,
Universiteit Gent, Belgium
Keywords: Virtual Worlds, high-level HTML,VRML,CGI programming distributed object brokerage, blackboard-based logic programming, Linda coordination, client-server applications in Prolog, embedded logic engines.
New attempts with various flavors of declarativeness and sophisticated procedural and object abstraction like Microsoft's Active VRML or SGI's Moving Worlds go boldly as close as possible to their strangely special-purpose and insidiously universal objective: representation of (3-dimensional) space combined with time/action. Roughly speaking, Active VRML is functional, Moving Worlds is object-oriented. Both have little to do with logic programming, at least as we know it.
MUDs and MOOs (Multi User Dungeons - Object Oriented) have started with virtual presence and interaction. Again, their links with logic programming are very weak, among the few hundred we know about none seem implemented in a logic programming language.
Some fairly large-scale projects (Intel's Moondo, Sony's Cyber Passage, Black Sun's CyberGate, Netscape's CoolTalk+Live3D, Worlds Inc.'s WorldChat) converge all towards a common interaction metaphor: an avatar represents each participant in a 3D multi-user virtual world. Information exchange reuses our basic intuitions with almost instant learnability for free. Their industrial potential is enormous as they are the most natural way to describe virtual organizations/societies. The perfect `software metaphor' of the next 10 years is here!
What they still miss is quite easy to guess and, arguably, quick to come anyway, with or without logic programming. A key element is programmable intelligent avatars. A second one is a distributed dynamic object model. A third one is unlimited, flexible and secure meta-programming. It seems a few steps beyond the Java+JavaScript combination, but definitely following their objectives if not their way. But the most important one is a unifying model, the glue that makes it all as simple to the implementor as it is for the VRML traveler embodied in its avatar.
Our attempt is to make all this obvious through use of some of our favorite logic programming tools, embedded in a state of the art multi-paradigm and multi-platform environment.
We will show that logic programming has the potential to provide this essential ``glue'' functionality and to cooperate smoothly with specialized tools in a multi-paradigm environment. Centered around the use of LogiMOO [DBPT96], a very high level kernel for INTERNET collaborative work, we will emphasize how easy it is to build distributed applications in a logic programming language featuring Linda-based coordination libraries and how agent programming and live interaction are programmed in a few lines of Prolog. We will show that embedded in a multiparadigm/multi-platform framework through use of standard tools like Netscape 3.0, CGI-programming and independently designed VRML 2.0 based 3-D worlds, LogiMOO closes the gap between logic programming languages and real life INTERNET programming.
LogiMOO is built upon Multi-BinProlog [DBT93a, DBJ93], i.e., BinProlog enriched with a Linda-like tuple space. The Multi-BinProlog blackboard is not just an add-on, but is really integrated in the BinProlog environment, featuring backtracking, guarded evaluation, etc.
The Multi-BinProlog blackboard comes in two flavors [DBT96]: there are local blackboards, primarily used for efficient communication and synchronization between processes running on the same (multi-)processor, and there are virtual blackboards that are primarily used for communication with processes running on other machines. A virtual blackboard is a kind of alias, or link to another (remote) blackboard. Logically, it cannot be distinguished from the remote blackboard itself. At the implementation level, a virtual blackboard does not contain data, but is just a local representation of the remote blackboard. All operations issued on a virtual blackboard are automatically forwarded to the remote blackboard. Furthermore, the remote blackboard can in turn be a virtual blackboard pointing to yet another remote blackboard. The last blackboard in a chain must always be a physical blackboard containing real data (see Figure 1).
Further characteristics of a blackboard are (i) that it is persistent, (ii) that the data are manipulated associatively (i.e., based on their content, rather than on their address), (iii) all accesses are automatically synchronized. These are precisely the requirements for a MOO: the status of the MOO should be stored somewhere, and it should not be volatile; if we are looking for a particular object in a MOO, we will always refer to it with a name, never with its address location; a MOO is multiuser, so it should be synchronized at any time.
The basic operations on the blackboard are: blackboard creation and deletion, the creation of processes (independently running Prolog goals) (tellp), putting Prolog terms on the blackboard (tellt), removing terms from the blackboard (gett) and checking the presence of terms (readt). Both the get and the read primitives can be blocking or non-blocking. Furthermore, there are some more advanced primitives like blackboard operations working on lists of terms instead of one term, operations to collect the complete contents of a blackboard, and so on.
A pure Linda-based language is not immediately suitable to support a MOO because a Linda-application consists of a number of processes that are created by one application in order to solve a given problem. Here, client processes must be able to connect and disconnect at any time. This requirement can be completely fulfilled by the concept of virtual blackboard. A client wanting to connect with a MOO, creates a local virtual blackboard, hooks it up to the MOO, and from then on, it can interact with the MOO in an unconstrained way by communicating with the local virtual blackboard.
We will now briefly describe this
reduced MOO kernel.
Verbs available in the MOO are defined through a set of
Prolog predicates hiding the complexities of the distributed
communication model through the usual metaphors:
places (starting
from a default lobby), ports, ability to `move' or teleport
from one place to another, a wizard resident on the server,
ownership of objects, the ability to transfer ownership and
a built-in notifier agent watching for messages as a background
Although Linda operations are definitely lower level than the abstract relationships of time/space ownership, movement, interaction present in a MOO, we have found out that in the context of a logic programming language with unlimited meta-programming abilities like Prolog, representing such relationships is unusually straightforward.
% puts X on the server out(X):- tellt(world,X). % takes an object matching X from the server in(X):-gett(world,X),!. % reads the list Xs matching X currently on the server all(X,Xs):-bbterms(world,Ts),findall(X,member(X,Ts),Xs). % starts a background process executing Goal run(Goal):-tellp(Goal). % puts private information X on the local default blackboard local_out(X):-tellt(X). % checks whether an object matching X is on the local blackboard local_rd(X):-bbterms(Xs),member(X,Xs),!.
This intermediate level of abstraction allows, for instance, single user execution for debugging purposes and an easy porting to another system featuring Linda extensions (like SICStus Prolog 2.x, 3.x), by redefining a small number of basic operations. Resource control is built-in in Multi-BinProlog as blackboards have a user definable size. A blackboard will thus refuse to store information in case it is already full.
% non-blocking read from the server and % backtrack on objects matching X rd_all(X):-all(X,Xs),member(X,Xs). % deterministic read rd(X):-rd_all(X),!. % conditional out: puts X on the server unless an object % matching X is found on the server cout(X):-rd(X),!. cout(X):-out(X). % conditional (non-blocking) in: takes an object % matching X from the server and fails if no such object is found cin(X):-rd(X),in(X). % executes goal G for all objects on the server matching X forall(X,G):-all(X,Xs),member(X,Xs),G,fail. forall(_,_).
At this time, the resulting extended language is made simpler by defining some of the verbs as prefix or infix operators. A full featured controlled English interface, co-developed with Veronica Dahl and Stephen Rochefort at Simon Fraser University, handling anaphora and coordination, will be integrated in the near future.
The login procedure simply puts the name of the current user on the local blackboard with local_out(i_am(Name)), after enforcing unique identity on the server by sending an (encoded) password to the server together with the name. Locally the name chosen by the user is accessible as:
The use of local blackboards allows high-speed access to private state information and allow implementation of sophisticated security protocols.
notifier(Name):- repeat, in(mes_to(Name,Mes,From)), notify(Mes,From), Mes==end, !, halt.
The notifier is automatically started from the login predicate as a background thread with run(notifier(Name)) . No `busy wait' is involved, as the notifier's thread blocks until in(mes_to(Name,Mes,From)) succeeds. We refer to [DBT96, DBT93b] for details on the underlying multi-threaded implementation of background goals running under Solaris 2.x.
When whisper/2, defined as
unblocks the matching in(mes_to(Name,Mes,From)) , the notifier simply outputs the message with notify(Mes,From).
More complex agents can be programmed at the user level by cloning existing agents and overriding some of their attributes or behavior slots, as far as the underlying Prolog (which is fully accessible from LogiMOO) features an appropriate object system. A quantifier-like notation allows to specify which slots are shared (with bindings flowing unidirectionally from the parent - semantically close to trait objects in SELF [US87, Smi95]) and which are newly created for local bindings in the clone.
Our work on LogiMOO indicates that a
prototype-based object-oriented style
is particularly appropriate for logic programming languages.
BinProlog's object model does not follow the usual class/object/instance
made popular by C++ and similar languages. A very simple
`object as sets of assumptions' ontology has been implemented
from the start, for reasons of conceptual parsimony.
Basically, object composition and class inheritance relations
are broken in part_of and clone_of relations,
with appropriate Datalog transitive closure definitions
which are incrementally updated
to reflect dynamic object creation and/or state mutation.
Dynamic and distributed object cloning and
`Java-style' code migration which were already
present in the underlying Multi-BinProlog model,
allow easy state and source management by humans and software agents.
It is interesting to notice that MOO construction engines naturally generalize currently available object technology. LogiMOO is no exception in this sense. Distributed abstract `container' relations materialized as blackboards and the ability to easily program asynchronous agents through a very small set of Linda operations combined with this simple object model ensure a short learning curve and a comfortable level of information sharing and code reuse so that (most of) the programming can be delegated to the users.
A less intrusive version say/1 can be written similarly by restricting it to online users at the current place:
say(Mes):- whoami(I), where(Place), for_all(contains(Place,Name), ( rd(online(Name)), Name\==I,whisper(Name,Mes) ) ).
A Unix-like users predicate listing names of people on the MOO is written as:
Non-blocking read rd/2 can be used to locate a user as in:
To conditionally create a place (unless it exists) we define:
To conditionally create a port (only when the links are already existing places), we define:
A shorter version with context information will usually be given to the users as:
Teleporting is somewhat unrealistic but useful:
On top of teleporting, more realistic movement is implemented as:
go(Dir):- where(Place), rd(port(Place,Dir,NewPlace)), whoami(Me), move(Me,Place,NewPlace), forall(has(Me,O),move(O,Place,NewPlace)).
Note that forall/2 can be used to make someone's belongings follow him. As in the real world, this is usually done selectively on a subset of a user's belongings.
Creating things with craft/1 marks them with ownership:
craft(O):-whoami(Me), rd(contains(Place,Me)), out(contains(Place,O)), out(has(Me,O)).
Property transfer (useful for online sales and banking) is prototyped as follows:
gives(From,To,O):- cin(has(From,O)), out(has(To,O)). give(Who,What):- whoami(Me), cin(has(Me,What)), out(has(Who,What)), whisper(Who,'I gave you: '(What)).
Although expressing a sale predicate in term of give is easy, realistic transactions need a sound security system, not yet implemented in LogiMOO. As usual, PGP-based public-key cryptography can ensure secure transactions on top of an insecure carrier. Although it is possible to implement electronic money and authentication within LogiMOO on top of standard Solaris tools like des_crypt, the embedding of LogoMOO in Netscape (described in section 4), allows use of high quality third-party encryption and E-cash technology.
Finally, look/0 recognizes specific objects and shows them in the most useful form. For instance, under the Netscape interface, users are shown as hyper-links to their home pages and objects belonging to a given user are shown as links relative to the user's home page.
look:- where(Place), nl,writeln(['Ports ',from,Place]), for_all(port(Place,Direction,To), show_port(Direction,To)) ), nl,writeln(['Online ',in,Place]), for_all(online(X), (rd(contains(Place,X)),rd(user(X,_,H)),show_user(X,H) ) ), nl,writeln(['Sleeping ',in,Place]), for_all(user(X,_,H), ( rd(contains(Place,X)) , \+ rd(online(X)), show_user(X,H) ) ), nl,writeln(['Laying around: ',in,Place]), for_all(contains(Place,X),show_object(X) ).
A major performance advantage of the distributed MOO is that the load can now be distributed too. On the one hand, the MOO consists of several blackboards possibly running on a set of machines instead of just one, and on the other hand, a user does not connect to the MOO by means of telnet or more expensive GUI-oriented protocols (which puts the complete burden of screen IO on the server machine), but by means of a virtual blackboard. Moreover, local processing of foreign code (similar to Sun's Java language) is possible due to Prolog meta-programming abilities. This means that the often computationally intensive user interface is supported through a local process. The communication between the client and the server can be transparently optimized for speed.
Netscape-based users are recognized as special as they do not keep local state (except for their name password and home page kept in the form itself). The stateless CGI Multi-BinProlog client spawn by a ``submit" Netscape action connects to a local persistent LogiMOO server. Compilation to C and shared dynamically linked libraries make using BinProlog competitive with Perl scripting.
The server periodically saves its state to a file, through a separate background thread while staying responsive to users. A telnet/rlogin-based ``wizard'' console helps monitoring LogiMOO from a remote computer.
Figure 2 (89K Gzipped PostScript; 1M uncompressed) shows the embedding of LogiMOO as a frame-based Netscape application. Queries are submitted through a CGI POST method. BinProlog reads the standard output using the CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable and after a small filter cleans up hexadecimal escapes, it extracts the actual query and its variables through a list-of-characters-to-term conversion. Finally, using a simple trick, we map HTML query syntax to Prolog without any application specific parsing:
:-op(1199,xfy,(&)). (login=L & passwd=P & home=H & query=Query) :- login(L,P,H),sit, metacall(Query).
Objects `crafted' by users are shown as URL's, relative to their homes. This allows users to `put' into LogiMOO objects of various formats (VRML, JPEG, WAV, AU) and gives multi-media capabilities for free. LogiMOO keeps the link while the actual object resides on the user's computer accessible by clicking on a link. This makes the link `hot' so that the user is free to update the actual object without having to notify LogiMOO.
We can even give the illusion that BinProlog commands from within LogiMOO actually allow arbitrary Web navigation through use of a JavaScript `one-liner', dynamically generated as answer to a query:
auto_show(URL,File):- make_cmd(['<body onLoad="''',URL,'/',File,''',''_self'')">'],Cmd), writeln([Cmd]).
For instance, typing:
in the LogiMOO Prolog query text area, will instantly show LogiMOO's VRML lobby in the Netscape 3.0 output frame, from where the user can further explore links independently. Return to LogiMOO is achieved simply by by clicking on the `VRML' floor of the room. By using the _parent Netscape pseudo-target instead of _self the full window is replaced. With _blank or a named new target an additional Netscape browser is spawned, allowing independent navigation, while keeping LogiMOO on-screen.
Clearly, achieving exclusively in Prolog or any other existing LP or CLP the equivalent of what we have developed in about 1-man/month total programming time would require a significant effort. We are more and more convinced that embedding logic programming tools in a multi-paradigm environment can compensate for their lack of advanced visual and INTERNET programming abilities and, ultimately, make them competitive for commercial development despite their small `market share'.
As an embedded application LogiMOO acts as a broker between various multi-paradigm/multi-media Netscape components. It therefore keeps (a minimum amount of) state and user information. Its full Prolog command language gives arbitrary extensibility through objects and agents. Although file transfers and various protocols are implementable with the underlying Multi-BinProlog system, we have chosen to represent non-symbolic objects as hyper-links towards their owner's WWW home. Our design philosophy was to duplicate as little existing components as possible while achieving as much functionality as possible. At some point, we expect that LogiMOO will grow by itself through user extensions, much more than our own development effort, as a truly open virtual world, together with its present and future VRML and Java-centric cousins.
We do not know about other systems using logic programming for virtual world simulation, although a large number of sophisticated Web-based applications and tools are on the way to be implemented in LP/CLP languages, for instance [CH96a, LD96, CH96b, BBST96, SMS96, LDL96]. The closest application with a clear virtual world flavor is the Ubique Doors (tm) server [Sha94] which shows (Flat Concurrent) Prolog lists in log files although we do not know exactly how closely it is based on LP technology. This server, combined with the Sesame (tm) client emulates co-presence and cooperative work at virtual places implemented on top of existing Web pages and ftp directories. On the other hand applications of MOO technology usually combined with VRML navigation are spreading quite fast. Among them, some of the most impressive are:
Moreover, other declarative languages are starting to be used for WWW applications. The Carnegie Mellon FoxNET project [HL94] implements a full featured Web server. Microsoft's Active VRML proposal promises a declarative (purely functional) description of 3D movement and behavior.
Although not yet present in any implementations we know of, we believe that prototype-based OO in LP is more likely to take over than currently attempted class-based OO proposals. The main reason is that sharing vs. copying can be very cleanly described in terms of quantifiers and basic state and scope representation constructs like linear and intuitionistic implications. Our object system, inspired by MOO functionality and avatar programming has a simple (and largely language independent) Datalog-based model. Work on an object calculus formalizing its properties and an efficient distributed transitive closure maintenance algorithm upon updates is in progress. This is expected to be subject of extensive future work on top of LogiMOO.
Optimization of the CGI interface, as well as full integration with HTML and VRML are also high priority future developments at the implementation level.
The major interactive feature LogiMOO currently lacks is a concept of active Web page with realtime notification. Ubique's Sesame/Doors system solves this with a dedicated parallel server and a customized Mosaic browser. This solution is not practical for us as we want to have an application which runs under the user's own Netscape (or compatible) browser and therefore benefiting from third party VRML plug-ins. We are working on a client side Java/JavaScript solution to this problem as we want to avoid costly `server-push' or `client-pull' approaches.
The development a security scheme is also needed for realistic uses of LogiMoo. An important aspect is related to resource control. Although Multi-BinProlog has built-in protection against data area overflows, it has no timeout based computational ressource control. A timeout mechanism, similar to the one in SICStus Prolog is planned for the next release. On the other hand, using craft/1, for example, a given user can put an arbitrary number of objects on a server. We plan to limit this either through the amount of data that can flow through a virtual blackboard or by an object quota mechanism as in other MOOs. Some of these problems are naturally solved with the ``web of MOOs'' scenario, where each user monitors resource uses on his own computer at OS level, while allowing others ``read'' access, as usual on the WWW, to objects in his public_html directory.