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Typical Applications and Approaches

As with any other computational approach, all problems are amenable to be tackled with C(L)P; notwithstanding, there are some types of problems which can be solved with comparatively little effort using C(L)P based tools. Those applications share some general characteristics:

Among the applications with these characteristics, the following may be cited: planning, scheduling, resource allocation, logistics, circuit design and verification, finite state machines, financial decision making, transportation, spatial databases, etc.

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Let us review some approaches to solving problems with the aforementioned characteristics:

Operations Research
systems, and also genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, etc., have a medium development effort, since most of the core technique (e.g., the solving algorithms themselves) are already coded an optimized, so the problem has only to be modeled and fed into the system. They have the drawback of being not flexible (equations cannot be updated dynamically), and heuristic search of solutions is not always easy to include in the problem, or the modification according to the desires of the user.
Conventional programs
can potentially give the most efficient solution, but this efficiency comes at a high cost: reaching a solution needs a uphill development phase, in which all solving--not only the particular problem conditions--has to be explicitly described; usually the solving/search part of the problem is tailored for the particular application (which accounts for the high performance of the program), which in turn makes the program not amenable to be adapted to other scenarios, even related ones. Success in this approach also requires a deep knowledge of constraint solving algorithms, which in CLP systems is built in.
Rule-based systems
receive a good rate in heuristic possibilities, but on the other hand they lack constraint solving capabilities, and an algorithmic style is difficult to embed.
Constraint-based approaches
especially when combined with Logic Programming, try to combine the best of all the previous points. Not only constraint solving is included as a part of the systems, but algorithmic components are provided for being used when needed (e.g., in the cases in which parts of a problem can be worked out more advantageously using an explicit algorithm). Also, this algorithmic part interacts with the constraint solving part by creating dynamically the equations to be solved, and communicating the solutions by means of the variables of the language. Also, rules as means of expressing heuristics are available when using logic programming-based constraint tools.

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Since usual programming techniques are commonly well understood, we will review the tradeoffs between using Operation Research and Constraint Programming approaches:

The OR Edge

OR is a good approach when the problems to be solved have some specific characteristics:

The CP Edge

CP has short development time, flexibility, and good efficiency as main advantages:

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