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Linear (Dis)Equations

Linear (dis)equations were, in practice, pioneered by the CLP($\Re$) system, which offered a Prolog-like interface, where arithmetical symbols were enriched to express constraints. Other implementations (namely, Prolog IV, CHIP, SICStus ...) have chosen to implement this constraint system as well, as it has a well-known solving procedure, and is useful in a range of applications. We will use Prolog IV in the examples, as it is a quite reasonably known logic programming system, and it has several constraint systems available.

A note on syntax: CLP systems tend to have some variations in the syntax of similar operations. This may be slightly confusing at first, but it is not a real problem: different syntaxes are easily understood, once the underlying language design principles are known.

We will augment the language with the following components:

Prolog IV (and other CLP languages) can solve equations directly typed in the top-level prompt. These examples are taken from a Prolog IV session:

?- 4 - Y = 3.
   Y = 1
?- X = 3*Y - X/2, X+Y = Y - 4*X + 7.
   Y = 7/10, X = 7/5.

(The prompt of the Prolog IV interpreter is >>, but we will be using ?- throughout this paper). By default, answers are returned as fractions because Prolog IV uses infinite precision arithmetic when possible. The equations above had a unique solution, but equations may have no solutions:

?- X = 3*Y - X/2, X+Y = Y - 4*X + 7, lelin(X, Y).

And sometimes there exists an infinite number of solutions:

?- X = Y + 3.
   X ~ real, Y ~ real

which means that X and Y are just real numbers. The \ensuremath {\sim } syntax needs further explanation, but we will delay it until later: it will suffice by now to understand it as meaning ``belongs to the class of''--in this case, ``X belongs to the class of the real numbers''.

Prolog IV does not output complex relationships, although it is of course aware of them. In the previous example, Y$\sim$real, X$\sim$real is actually a weak answer, for the constraint X + Y = 3 is known by the system. A clearer example is the one below:

Example 3.2   The following query represents the constraint $X \leq Y, Y \leq$ X, from which X = Y can be deduced:

?- gelin(X, Y), gelin(Y, X). 
   Y ~ real, X ~ real

No output of constraints is given, but the solver is internally aware of the constraint X = Y.

?- gelin(X, Y), gelin(Y, X), X = 4. 
   Y = 4, X = 4

There is a problem in generating output for complex answer constraints: the constraint system, after simplification, has to be projected onto the query variables (because these are the ones the user knows about), and this is not easy (or even feasible) in some constraint domains.

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