Variables in CLP languages are termed logical variables. The adjective logical stems from a unique character not present in other languages: these variables do not necessarily hold values--and yet they are completely legal, and run-time access exception errors are not generated by accessing them2.2--, and they can be assigned (or, better, bound) to other uninitialized variables. The value of an uninitialized variable is not NULL or other esoteric, special value: that variable, simply, has no value at all yet.
Logical variable assignment is monotonic, which means that a logical variable cannot mutate its value within a search path.
?- X = a. X = a
But it cannot take the value a and then change it to b
?- X = a, X = b. no
?- X = a. X = a ?- X = b. X = b
Hint: the toplevel interpreter backtracks between goals, in
order to recover the initial state.
The constraint =/2 we have introduced before not only assigns values to variables (or, better, binds variables to values), but it can also bind free variables, constraining them to have the same value.
?- X = Y, X = a. X = a, Y = a. ?- X = Y, pet(X). X = spot, Y = spot ; X = barry, Y = barry
?- X = Y, pet(X), sound(Y, roar).
father_of(juan, pedro). father_of(juan, maria). father_of(pedro, miguel). mother_of(maria, david). grandfather_of(L,M):- father_of(L,N), father_of(N,M). grandfather_of(X,Y):- father_of(X,Z), mother_of(Z,Y).
answer the queries:
?- father_of(juan, pedro). ?- father_of(juan, david). ?- father_of(juan, X). ?- grandfather_of(X, miguel). ?- grandfather_of(X, Y). ?- X = Y, grandfather\_of(X, Y). ?- grandfather_of(X, Y), X = Y.