We will define the skeleton of a constraint language, without many interesting capabilities, but which will be enough to understand the principles of constraint programming without the burden of having to cope with unneeded details.
The basic components of our language are the following:
Underscores are allowed either in the names of variables or
non-numerical constants to improve readability:
Although constraint languages include builtin atoms which can be used in programs to perform several tasks (e.g., opening and writing to files), this small language will not have them: all the atoms which appear in bodies must be defined by the user somewhere in the program--although they will not always appear explicitly defined in the examples. Conversely, some constraint languages allow the user to define and augment the constraints available, besides those already available in the system, but we will not allow that either at this point.
A clause represents a way of achieving a goal. Clauses have the form
where p is an atom, as defined in the previous section, and
are either atoms or constraints. In this expression, pis commonly called the head of the clause, and
is called the body. The symbol
(which, for
typographical convenience, is often written as :-) is called
the neck, for it connects the body and the head.
animal(X):- dog = X.
likes(C, F):- C = cat, F = fish.
bigger(M1, M2):- M1 = men, M2 = mice.
In this example, animal/1, dog/1, likes/2, and bigger/2 are atoms. X, C, F, M1, M2 are variables, and cat, fish, men, and mice are non-numerical constants. Note that variables and constants can be written on both sides of the equality symbol--it does not matter in which side they appear.
The program has no meaning in itself as it is written, in the same
sense that writing x = 3 + y in a conventional language has
no meaning other than a mathematical operation whose purpose in the
program we do not know. The only a priori possible
interpretation comes from the semantics of first order logic: a
expression such as that in (2.1) is to be read as
for p to be true,
have to be true. Then,
under an interpretation directed by the names in the code, the
example 2.1 can be interpreted as expressing the
X is an animal if X equals ``dog'' , or
``dog'' is an animal
``cat'' likes ``fish''
M1 is bigger than M2 if M1 equals ``men'' and M2 equals
``mice'', or
``men'' are bigger than ``mice''
These clauses contained only calls to constraints. Clauses can also refer to other clauses written by the programmer (atoms). The variables in the clauses are used to pass arguments to the atoms in the body (and constants can be passed as well, of course).
eats(X, Y):- bigger(X, Y).
pet(X):- animal(X), sound(X,Y), Y=bark.
Their reading depends on the interpretation of the user atoms, but a likely meaning of them is:
The big eat the small, or
If some X is bigger than some Y, then X eats Y
For X to be a pet, it must be an animal and the sound
it produces must be a bark, or
If X is and animal and X barks, then X is a pet, or
An animal which barks is a pet
Of course, the final answer to the real meaning of this piece of code is what the programmer actually had in mind when writing animal/a, sound/2, and bigger/2.
Equality is a very common constraint in all domains, and so it is customary to write it in a shorter form: the clause
can also be written, with exactly the same meaning as
i.e., every time a variable of a clause appears anywhere within a clause, the atom (or variable) this variable is equated to can replace every appearance of that variable.
bigger(men, mice).
pet(X):- animal(X), sound(X, bark).
and their meaning and behavior is exactly the same as in the
original example.
The previous section introduced a new type of clause, which is
actually a shorthand expression for clauses we already know how to
write: the expression
likes(cat, fish).
A predicate is simply a collection of clauses which have the same head name and arity. Recall that the constraints and atoms in the body of a clause represent conditions to be fulfilled in order to achieve a goal--the head--, so they logically represent a conjunction of goals. Different clauses, in turn, represent a disjunction: alternative possibilities to accomplish a target. From a more logical point of view, different clauses of a predicate offer alternative possibilities for the predicate to be true.
pet(X):- animal(X), sound(X, bark).
pet(X):- animal(X), sound(X, bubbles).
What is the meaning of this example? In addition to the first, already known clause, which casted animals which bark into the category of pets, we are not including animals whose sound is bubbles (probably fishes) into the very same category. So, in a more colloquial form, the example above can be read as
Animals which bark and animals which make bubbles are pets
Note that when we describe the predicate in a goal-oriented form, the description must take a disjunctive form, closer to the logical meaning of the predicate, but less natural from the point of view of the human language:
For something to be a pet, it must either be an animal and bark, or else be an animal and make bubbles.
Note also that the same variable X appears in both clauses: the names of the variables in a clause are local to that clause, very much like local variables in procedural languages have an scope limited to the procedure/function they are defined in.
We are now ready to write programs in our constraint language. A program is simply a collection of predicates, much in the same way that a program in other languages is a collection of procedures or functions.
pet(X):- animal(X), sound(X, bark). pet(X):- animal(X), sound(X, bubbles). animal(spot). animal(barry). animal(hobbes). sound(spot, bark). sound(barry, bubbles). sound(hobbes, roar).
Since most CLP systems provide an interactive shell for the interpreter / compiler, the user can usually issue commands to load the program, call predicates in it, change the program, and load it again. Calling a predicate from the interpreter yields the same results as calling it from inside a program.
A query issued by the user is just a conjunction of atoms, and has exactly the same form and meaning as the body of a clause. The answer to a query is a set of bindings for the variables which make the query true with respect to the program. Since some predicates may have several clauses which hold for a given query, multiple solutions are possible.
Load the file where the program is stored
?- consult(pet).
Make queries!
?- sound(spot, X). X = bark ?- sound(A, roar). A = hobbes ?- animal(barry). yes ?- animal(X). X = spot ; X = barry ; X = hobbes