The reader might wonder how a CLP system actually works and solves equations. Equation solving in general might be radically different from the well-known methods for solving linear arithmetic equations. CLP programs set up equations just by expressing them; these equations, in an internally coded form, are communicated to an internal solver in which values for the variables are worked out. We will not be concerned with way these equations are encoded, but, for the sake of having more knowledge (which will help us in a future to write better CLP programs), we will become solvers of finite domain equations for a while.
Suppose we have the precedence net (for example, for a project) and the task lengths1.3 in Figure 1.3.
Usual O.R. methods to find out critical tasks, the slacks in the tasks, the earliest finish time, etc. include the PERT and CPM algorithms. We will show how a simple, general finite domains algorithm performs the same task as those methods, and can even tackle more difficult problems within the same setting.
Supposing that a hard limit for the length of the project is 10 time units, and that we choose each FD variable to represent the time in which the corresponding task can start, a model of the problem can be the following:
The value of each variable (which is a set, initialized to
represents the moments in time the corresponding
task can start. This equation cannot be solved using linear
arithmetic methods, because the values of the variables are not real
numbers, but rather sets of integers. Of course, it might
reformulated in this particular, linear, case to use real numbers, but
in general finite domains can always find a solution, because
enumeration is possible, as we will see later.
We will set up a tableau (Table 1.1) in which current domains for the variables will be stored at each moment. At the beginning, all variables will have the initial domain, and we will iterate using the following strategy:
For example, in step 1, we have selected equation
Since previously
it is not
difficult to deduce that b can be, at most, 9, and that e can be,
at least, 1. So this step updates the domain of b and e to be,
The rest of the steps
perform similar operations, selecting other equations and refining
values of variables until a fixpoint, in which no further changes can
be made, is reached.
Although the general idea behind finite domain solver is as shown above, actual algorithms are much more complicated, and take into account issues like inequality constraints, global constraints, heuristics, enumeration, etc. More complex constraint solvers make a series of decisions (such as which equation is to be to chosen next) and, even if those do not affect correctness, performance depends heavily on them.
What are in this cases the differences with respect to classical
methods, such as CPM? A central point is that this is just a
particular application of finite domains, and not an algorithm
dedicated to project scheduling. In fact, it gives more information
than CPM, and can, using the same ideas, be used for more advanced
tasks. For example, exact slacks of tasks in the critical path can be
found just by setting g = 6 (which is just a way of writing
another equation similar to those we already have) and
repeating the process. In fact, restart the solving from scratch is
not necessary: as an example of the dynamic, incremental nature of
CLP, we only need to add to our initial set of constraints the
aforementioned equation, update the domain of g and then continue
the process where it stopped before: more updates are now possible.
The result will give us slacks for the variables and the start time
for every task so that the project is finished in the shortest time
Modeling other relationships without resorting to very different algorithms is also possible: for example,
But the programmer using CLP tools does not need to build tableaus, keep track of communicating with the solver when a new constraint is added, or jump back to a point where a selection was previously done. CLP languages take care of all of these tasks by themselves, transparently to the programmer. Built-in solvers are provided for several constraint domains, FD being just one of them. Others, which we will talk about later, include linear equations, non-linear equations with intervals, boolean equations, etc.
In the next chapter we will have a look at a basic language, based on concepts taken from Logic Programming, and we will introduce the concepts of logical variables and backtracking. We will add constraint solving capabilities upon this simple language, and we will see how non-trivial problems are easy to express. We have chosen to use a logic programming basic language because, although some initial acquaintance with its peculiarities is needed, once this is mastered, the resulting language and syntax merges much better than other approaches with the idea of programming using constraints.