Computational Logic |
The (ISO-)Prolog Programming Language |
A practical programming language based on the logic programming paradigm.
Main differences with “pure” logic programming:
depth-first search rule (also, left-to-right control rule),
more control of the execution flow,
many useful pre-defined predicates ( some not declarative, for efficiency),
higher-order and meta-logical capabilities, ...
it can be compiled into fast and efficient code (including native code),
more expressive power,
industry standard (ISO-Prolog),
mature implementations with modules, graphical environments, interfaces, ...
Drawbacks of “classical” systems (and how addressed by modern systems):
Depth-first search rule is efficient but can lead to
alternative search strategies (e.g., Ciao’s bfall
, tabling,
No occur check in unification (which led to
unsoundness in older systems)
support regular (i.e., infinite) trees: X = f(X)
(already constraint-LP).
Not specified in the ISO-Prolog language standard.
Is left to each particular system implementing the
This typically includes issues such as:
User interaction (top-level, GUI, etc.).
(Module system.)
Different Prolog systems offer different facilities for these
See the part on Developing
Programs with a Logic Programming System
for more details for the particular system used in the course
Programs without search (that do not perform “deep” backtracking):
Generally (if no disjunction etc. used) this means programs that:
Have only one clause per procedure, or
if several clauses, only one of them selected for every call to that predicate.
Note that this is dependent on call mode, i.e., which variables are bound on a given call.
Because of the left-to-right rule, these programs run in Prolog similarly to their imperative and (strict) functional counterparts.
Imperative/ functional programs can be directly expressed as such programs.
Programs with search (perform “deep” backtracking):
These are programs that have at least one procedure that:
has multiple clauses, and
more than one of them is selected for some calls to that procedure.
Again, this is dependent on call mode.
These programs perform search (backtracking-based, or other search rules).
They have no direct counterparts in imperative or functional programming.
Conventional languages and Prolog both implement (forward)
the place to go after a procedure call succeeds. I.e., in:
p(X,Y):- q(X,Z), r(Z,Y).
q(X,Z) :- ...
when the procedure call to q/2
finishes (with
“success”), execution continues in p/2
, just after the call
to q/2
, i.e., at the call to r/2
forward continuation).
In Prolog, when there are procedures with multiple definitions, there is also a backward continuation: the place to go to if there is a failure. I.e., in:
p(X,Y):- q(X,Z), r(Z,Y).
p(X,Y):- ...
q(X,Z) :- ...
if the call to q/2
succeeds, it is as above, but if it
fails, execution continues at (“backtracks to”) the previous
alternative: the second clause of p/2
backward continuation).
We say that p/2
has a choice
Again, the debugger (see later) can be useful to observe how execution proceeds.
Syntax (incl. operators) and operational semantics
Checking basic types and state
Structure inspection and term comparison
Pruning operators (cut)
Meta-calls, higher-order, aggregation predicates
Negation as failure, cut-fail
Dynamic program modification
Incomplete data structures
Exception handling
Additionally (not in standard):
Definite Clause Grammars (DCGs): parsing
Variables and constants as before:
Variables (start with capital or _
X, Value, A, A1, _3, _result
Constants (start w/small letter or in ’ ’
x, =, [], ’Algol-3’, ’Don”t’
Note: in Prolog terminology constants are also referred to as “atoms.”
Numbers: 0
, 999
, -77
, 0.23e-5
Infinite precision integers supported by many current systems
(e.g., Ciao).
Strings (of “codes”):
"Prolog" = [80,114,111,108,111,103]
(list of ASCII –also, e.g., utf8– character codes).
Important note: if we set
?- set_prolog_flag(write_strings, on).
lists character codes will be printed as strings: " "
, very
Using %
: rest of line is a comment.
Using /* ... */
: everything in between is a
Certain functors and predicate symbols are predefined as infix, prefix, or postfix operators, aside from the standard term notation, and new ones can be added.
Very useful to make programs/data files more readable! Language extensions.
Stated using operator declarations:
:- op(
is an integer from 1 to 1200.
General rule: the operator with the highest precedence
number is the principal functor.
E.g., if ‘+’ has higher precedence number
than ‘/’, then
Alternatively, we can always use parenthesis: /(+(a,b),c)
(Note that in some other languages the ordering of precedence values is
the opposite.)
infix: xfx
(not associative), xfy
(right associative), yfx
(left associative).
prefix: fx
(non-associative), fy
postfix: xf
(non-associative), yf
: can be a single atom or a list of atoms.
Examples: run
Standard Notation | Operator Notation |
’+’(a,’/’(b,c)) |
a+b/c |
is(X, mod(34, 7)) |
X is 34 mod 7 |
’<’(’+’(3,4),8) |
3+4 < 8 |
’=’(X,f(Y)) |
X = f(Y) |
’-’(3) |
-3 |
spy(’/’(foo,3)) |
spy foo/3 |
’:-’(p(X),q(Y)) |
p(X) :- q(Y) |
’:-’(p(X),’,’(q(Y),r(Z))) |
p(X) :- q(Y),r(Z) |
Note that, with this syntax convention, Prolog clauses are also Prolog terms!
Parenthesis must always be used for operators with higher
priority than 1000
(i.e., the priority of ’,’):
..., assert( (p :- q) ), ...
Operators are by default local to modules (explained later).
Typical standard operators:
:- op( 1200, xfx, [ :-, --> ]).
:- op( 1200, fx, [ :-, ?- ]).
:- op( 1150, fx, [ mode, public, dynamic,
multifile, block, meta_predicate,
parallel, sequential ]).
:- op( 1100, xfy, [ ; ]).
:- op( 1050, xfy, [ -> ]).
:- op( 1000, xfy, [ ',' ]).
:- op( 900, fy, [ \+, spy, nospy ]).
:- op( 700, xfx, [ =, is, =.., ==, \==, @<, @>, @=<, @>=,
=:=, =\=, <, >, =<, >= ]).
:- op( 550, xfy, [ : ]).
:- op( 500, yfx, [ +, -, #, /\, \/ ]).
:- op( 500, fx, [ +, - ]).
:- op( 400, yfx, [ *, /, //, <<, >> ]).
:- op( 300, xfx, [ mod ]).
:- op( 200, xfy, [ ^ ]).
Always execute calls in the body of clauses left-to-right.
When entering a procedure, if several clauses unify (a choice point), take the first unifying clause (i.e., the leftmost unexplored branch).
On failure, backtrack to the next unexplored clause of the last choice point.
grandparent(C,G) :- parent(C,P), parent(P,G).
parent(C,P) :- father(C,P).
parent(C,P) :- mother(C,P).
Check how Prolog explores this tree by running the debugger! run example
Practicality: interface to the underlying CPU arithmetic capabilities.
These arithmetic operations are not as general as their logical counterparts.
Interface: evaluator of arithmetic terms.
The type of arithmetic terms
– in next slide):
a number is an arithmetic term,
if is an -ary arithmetic functor and are arithmetic terms then is an arithmetic term.
Arithmetic functors: +, -, *, /
(float quotient),
(integer quotient), mod
, ... (see
, correct if when
evaluated X
, Y
and Z
are arithmetic terms, otherwise it will raise an error.
raises an error (because a
is not
an arithmetic term).
arithexpr :=
| num
| + arithexpr | - arithexpr
| ++ arithexpr | -- arithexpr
| aritexpr + arithexpr | aritexpr - arithexpr
| aritexpr * arithexpr | aritexpr // arithexpr
| aritexpr / arithexpr | abs(arithexpr)
| sign(arithexpr) | float_integer_part(arithexpr)
| float(arithexpr) | float_fractional_part(arithexpr)
| aritexpr ** arithexpr | exp(arithexpr)
| log(arithexpr) | sqrt(arithexpr)
| sin(arithexpr) | cos(arithexpr)
| atan(arithexpr) | [arithexpr]
Other arithmetic operators that can appear in arithmetic expressions (see manuals):
rem, mod, gcd, >>, <<, /
, #, ...
integer, truncate, floor, round, ceiling, ...
Built-in arithmetic predicates:
Z is X
(which must be an arithmetic term) is evaluated
and result is unified with Z
the usual <
, >
, >=
, =:=
equal), =
(arithmetic not equal), ...
Both arguments are evaluated (as in is/2
) and
their results are compared.
Examples: run example
X is 3+3//2.
X = 4
Z = 3//2, X is 3+Z.
X = 4
Examples of failure and errors:
X=3, Y=4, Y<X+1.
fail (the system will
X=3, Y=4, X is Y+1.
fail (the system will
X=3, Y=4, X =:= Y.
fail (the system will
Y=4, Y<a+1.
throws error (the system will
X is Z+1.
throws error (the system will
X=3, X =:= f(a).
throws error (the system will
plus(X,Y,Z) :- Z is X + Y.
Only works in one direction (X
and Y
bound to arithmetic terms).
Meta-logical tests (see later) allow using it in both directions.
We have lost the recursive structure of the numbers.
But we have won (a lot) in performance!
Factorial: run
Using Peano arithmetic:
Using ISO-Prolog
Wrong goal order can raise an error (e.g., moving last call to
before call to factorial).
Unary relations which check the type of a term:
(nonvariable term of arity 0 other than a
atom or number
They behave as if defined by a (possibly infinite) table of facts (in part, see below).
They either succeed or fail, but do not produce an error.
Thus, they cannot be used to generate (e.g., if argument is a variable, they fail instead of instantiating it to possible values).
This behaviour is outside first order logic because it allows checking the instantiation state of a variable.
Example: implementing a better behavior for
plus(X,Y,Z) :- number(X), number(Y), Z is X + Y.
plus(X,Y,Z) :- number(X), number(Z), Y is Z - X.
plus(X,Y,Z) :- number(Y), number(Z), X is Z - Y.
Now: run example
?- plus(3,Y,5).
Y = 2 ?
Still, it cannot be used to partition a number into two others:
?- plus(X,Y,5).
In fact, should raise an error, rather than simply failing (will see solutions later).
Real solution: the addition of constraints to the language (CLP) –see later!
functor(X, F, A)
is a term
F=f A=
is the atom f
and A
the integer
X = f(X1,..,Xn)
Error if X,
and either F
are variables
Fails if the unification fails, A
is not an integer,
or F
is not an atom
Examples: run example
F=t, A=2
Term = f(_,_,_)
Vector = v(_, ... ,_)
(Note: in some systems functor arity is limited to 256 by
there are libraries that allow unbounded arrays.)
arg(N, X, Arg)
integer, X
compound term
unified with N
-th argument of
Allows accessing a structure argument in constant time and in a compact way.
Error if N
is not an integer, or if X
is a free variable.
Fails if the unification fails.
?- _T=date(9,'February',1947), arg(3,_T,X).
X = 1947
?- _T=date(9,'February',1947), _T=date(_,_,X).
X = 1947
?- functor(Array,array,5),
Array = array(black,_,_,_,white).
What does ?- arg(2,[a,b,c,d],X).
return? Explain
Define add_arrays(A,B,C)
: run
add_arrays(A,B,C) :- % Same N below imposes equal length:
functor(A,array,N), functor(B,array,N), functor(C,array,N),
add_elements(I,A,B,C) :-
I>0, arg(I,A,AI), arg(I,B,BI), arg(I,C,CI),
CI is AI + BI, I1 is I - 1,
Alternative, using lists instead of structures:
add_arrays_lists([X|Xs],[Y|Ys],[Z|Zs]) :-
Z is X + Y,
In the latter case, where do we check that the three lists are of equal length?
Defining some syntactic sugar for arg/3
: run
:- use_package(fsyntax). % Use functional notation.
:- op(250,xfx,@). % Define @ as an infix operator
:- fun_eval '@'/2. % Call @ when it appears as a term (no need for ~)
T@N := A :- arg(N,T,A). % Define @ as simply calling arg/3
:- fun_eval arith(true). % Evaluate arithmetic expressions (I-1)
Now we can write add_elements/4
add_elements(I,A,B,C) :-
C@I is A@I + B@I,
Define subterm(Sub,Term)
subterm(Term,Term). % a) A term is always a subterm of itself
subterm(Sub,Term):- % b) The arguments are also subterms:
functor(Term,_F,N),% N is number of arguments of Term
n_to_one(N, J), % J is a natural between N and 1
arg(J,Term,Arg), % Arg is the J-th argument of Term
subterm(Sub,Arg).% Sub are the subterms of Arg
n_to_one(N, N) :- N > 0.
n_to_one(N, X) :- N > 1, N1 is N-1, n_to_one(N1, X).
Some queries: run example
?- subterm( f(a) , g(b,f(a)) ).
?- subterm( f(b) , g(b,f(a)) ).
?- subterm( g(b,f(a)) , g(b,f(a)) ).
?- subterm( X , g(b,f(a)) ).
?- subterm( f(X) , g(b,f(a)) ).
?- subterm( X , g(X,f(a)) ).
?- subterm( f(X) , g(b,f(X)) ).
T =.. L
(read as “univ”) run
is the decomposition of a term T
a list comprising its principal functor followed by its arguments.
?- date(9,february,1947) =.. L.
L = [date,9,february,1947].
?- _F = '+', X =.. [_F,a,b].
X = a + b.
Allows implementing higher-order primitives (see later).
Example – extending derivative: run example
deriv(FG_X, X, DF_G * DG_X) :-
FG_X =.. [_, G_X],
deriv(FG_X, G_X, DF_G), deriv(G_X, X, DG_X).
?- deriv(sin(cos(x)),x,D).
D = cos(cos(x))* -sin(x) ?
But use only when strictly necessary: expensive in time and memory, HO.
Classical primitive: name(A,S)
is the atom/number whose name is the list of ASCII
characters S
?- name(hello,S).
S = [104,101,108,108,111]
?- name(A,[104,101,108,108,111]).
A = hello
?- name(A,"hello").
A = hello
?- set_prolog_flag(write_strings,on).
?- name(hello,S).
S = "hello"
Ambiguity when converting strings which represent numbers.
E.g.: ?- X=’1’, atom(X), name(X,S), name(Y,S), number(Y).
(Note that we start with the atom ’1’
and we end
up with the number 1
In the ISO standard fixed by dividing into two:
: succeed iff X
is a free
?- var(X), X = f(a). % Succeeds
?- X = f(a), var(X). % Fails
: succeed iff X
is not a free
?- X = f(Y), nonvar(X). % Succeeds
: succeed iff X
is fully
?- X = f(Y), ground(X). % Fails
Outside the scope of first order logic.
control goal order,
restore some flexibility to programs using certain builtins.
Example: list length run example
len([_|T],N) :- len(T,TN), N is TN+1.
Choosing between two implementations based on calling mode.
I.e., implementing reversibility ”by hand.”
mylength(L,N) :- var(L), integer(N), create_list(N,L).
mylength(L,N) :- nonvar(L), compute_length(L,N).
create_list(N,[_|T]) :- N > 0, NT is N-1, create_list(NT,T).
compute_length([_|T],N) :- compute_length(T,TN), N is TN+1.
Not strictly needed: the normal definition of length is actually reversible!
But note that len/2
when called with L
a variable and N
a number is less efficient than
(since it is tail-recursive!).
Example (Contd.): Choosing between implementations based
on calling mode.
With more efficient version of compute_length/2
(using an “accummulating parameter” – see slides on Prolog
mylength(L,N) :- var(L), integer(N), create_list(N,L).
mylength(L,N) :- nonvar(L), compute_length(L,N).
create_list(N,[_|T]) :- N > 0, NT is N-1, create_list(NT,T).
compute_length(L,N) :- compute_length_(L,0,N).
compute_length_([_|T],A,N) :- NA is A+1, compute_length_(T,NA,N).
Many applications need comparisons between non–ground/non–numeric terms.
Identity tests:
X == Y
== Y
(not identical)
?- f(X) == f(X). % Succeeds
?- f(X) == f(Y). % Fails
Term ordering:
X @> Y
, X @>= Y
X @< Y
, X @=< Y
(alphabetic/lexicographic order)
?- f(a) @> f(b). % Fails
?- f(b) @> f(a). % Succeeds
?- f(X) @> f(Y). % Implementation dependent!
Reconsider subterm/2
with non-ground terms: run
subterm_ng(Sub,Term) :- % a) A term is a subterm of another
Sub == Term. % if they are identical.
subterm_ng(Sub,Term) :- % b) The arguments are also subterms:
functor(Term,_F,N), % N is number of arguments of Term
n_to_one(N, J), % J is a natural between N and 1
arg(J,Term,Arg), % Arg is the J-th argument of Term
subterm_ng(Sub,Arg).% Sub are the subterms of Arg
where n_to_one/2
is identical to the previous
Insert an item into an ordered list: run example
insert([], Item,[Item]).
insert([H|T],Item,[H|T]) :- H == Item.
insert([H|T],Item,[Item, H|T]) :- H @> Item.
insert([H|T],Item,[H|NewT]) :- H @< Item,
insert(T, Item, NewT).
Compare with the same program with the second clause defined as:
insert([H|T], Item, [Item|T]):- H = Item.
A minimal set of input-output predicates (“DEC-10 Prolog I/O”): run example
Class | Predicate | Explanation |
I/O stream control | see(File) |
File becomes the current input stream. |
seeing(File) |
The current input stream is File. | |
seen |
Close the current input stream. | |
tell(File) |
File becomes the current output stream. | |
telling(File) |
The current output stream is File. | |
told |
Close the current output stream. | |
Term I/O | write(X) |
Write the term X on the
current output stream. |
nl |
Start a new line on the current output stream. | |
read(X) |
Read a term (finished by a full stop) from the current input stream and unify it with X. | |
Character I/O | put_code(N) |
Write the ASCII character code N. N can be a string of length one. |
get_code(N) |
Read the next character code and unify its ASCII code with N. |
Other stream-based input-output predicates:
Class | Predicate | Explanation |
I/O stream control | open(File,M,S) |
Open File with mode
M and return in S the stream associated with
the file. M may be read , write or
append . |
close(S) |
Close the stream ‘Stream’. | |
Term I/O | write(S,X) |
Write the term X on stream
S . |
nl(S) |
Start a new line on stream
S . |
read(S,X) |
Read a term (finished by a full stop) from
the stream S and unify it with X . |
Character I/O | put_code(S,N) |
Write the ASCII character code
N on stream S . |
get_code(S,N) |
Read from stream S the next
character code and unify its ASCII code with N . |
write_list_to_file(L,F) :-
telling(OldOutput), % Grab current output stream.
tell(F), write_list(L), % Write into F.
told, % Close.
tell(OldOutput). % Reset previous output stream.
write_list([X|Xs]):- write(X), nl, write_list(Xs).
More powerful and format-based input-output predicates are
available (see, e.g., format/2
and format/3
–Prolog system manuals).
All these input-output predicates are “side-effects”!
The “cut” (/0
) is a predicate which, when
executed, commits Prolog to all the choices made since the current
call to the predicate in which the cut is executed.
Thus, when it is executed, a cut prunes:
all clauses below the clause in which the executed cut appears, and
all alternative solutions to the goals in the clause to the left of the executed cut.
It does not affect the search in the goals to the right of the cut.
Example: run example
s(1). p(X,Y):- l(X), ... r(8).
s(2). p(X,Y):- r(X), !, ... r(9).
p(X,Y):- m(X), ...
with query ?- s(A),p(X,Y).
If execution reaches the cut ():
The second alternative of r/1
is not
The third clause of p/2
is not considered.
s(1). p(X,Y):- l(X), ... r(8).
s(2). p(X,Y):- r(X), !, ... r(9).
p(X,Y):- m(X), ...
White cuts: do not discard solutions.
max(X,Y,X):- X > Y, !.
max(X,Y,Y):- X =< Y.
They affect neither completeness nor correctness – use them
(In many cases the system “introduces” them automatically.)
Green cuts: discard correct solutions which are not needed.
address(X,Add):- home_address(X,Add), !.
address(X,Add):- business_address(X,Add).
membercheck(X,[X|Xs]):- !.
membercheck(X,[Y|Xs]):- membercheck(X,Xs).
They affect completeness but not correctness.
Necessary in many situations (but beware!).
Red cuts: discard solutions which are not correct according to the intended meaning.
max( X,Y,X):- X > Y,!.
wrong answers to, e.g.,
?- max(5, 2, 2).
days_in_year( X,366):- leap_year(X),!.
leap_year(X):- number(X), 0 is X mod 4.
wrong answers to, e.g.,
?- days_in_year(4,365).
?- days_in_year(a, D).
Red cuts affect completeness and one can no longer rely on the declarative meaning of the program to reason about correctness – avoid when possible.
Useful tips regarding red cuts:
Can be improved by delaying output bindings to after the cut:
max( X,Y,M) :- X > Y, !, M = X.
Now also correct answer to
?- max(5, 2, 2).
Using if-then-else (syntactic sugar over cut) can often be a better solution:
max(X,Y,M) :- ( X>Y -> M=X ; M=Y).
Also correct answer to
?- max(5, 2, 2).
Useful tips regarding red cuts (leap year example): run example
The best solution: making the cut white by defining the other condition.
days_in_year_good(Y,D) :- leap_year(Y), !, D = 366.
days_in_year_good(Y,D) :- standard_year(Y), D = 365.
standard_year(Y) :- number(Y), R is Y mod 4, R \= 0.
Delaying output bindings to after the cut:
days_in_year_delay_output(Y,D) :- leap_year(Y), !, D = 366.
Note that
?- days_in_year_delay_output(Y,366).
produces a wrong answer!
This is because we are probably thinking of a ’mode’: we provide the
year and ask for the number of days.
Improvement: we check the ’mode’:
days_in_year_moded(Y,_D) :- var(Y), !,
write('ERROR: year unbound.\n'), abort.
days_in_year_moded(Y, D) :- leap_year(Y), !, D = 366.
Even better: do it with an assertion!
The meta-call call(X)
converts a term X
into a goal and calls it.
When called, X
must be instantiated to a term,
otherwise an error is reported.
Used for meta-programming, such as interpreters and shells.
Also for defining negation (as we will see) and implementing
higher order.
q(a). p(X) :- call(X).
?- p(q(Y)).
Y = a
Example (implementing higher-order): run example
q(a,b). apply(F,Args) :- G =.. [F|Args], call(G).
?- G=q, apply(G,[Y,Z]).
Y = a
Z = b
In Ciao the hiord
package allows writing
and provides much additional functionality, such as
predicate abstractions. See also the hiordlib
Other meta-calls are, e.g., findall/3
, and setof/3
findall(Term, Goal, ListResults)
is the set of all instances of
such that Goal is satisfied
If there are no instances of Term
is []
For termination, the number of solutions should be finite (and enumerable in finite time).
setof(Term, Goal, ListResults)
is the ordered set (no duplicates) of all
instances of Term
such that Goal is satisfied
If there are no instances of Term
the predicate
The set should be finite (and enumerable in finite time)
If there are un-instantiated variables in Goal
do not also appear in Term
then a call to this built-in
predicate may backtrack, generating alternative values for
corresponding to different instantiations of
the free variables of Goal
Variables in Goal
will not be treated as free if
they are explicitly bound within Goal
by an existential
quantifier as in Y^...
(then, they behave as in findall/3
same, but returns list unsorted and with duplicates (in backtracking
likes(bill, cider).
likes(dick, beer).
likes(harry, beer).
likes(jan, cider).
likes(tom, beer).
likes(tom, cider).
?- setof(X, likes(X,Y), S).
S = [dick,harry,tom],
Y = beer ? ;
S = [bill,jan,tom],
Y = cider ? ;
?- setof((Y,S), setof(X, likes(X,Y), S), SS).
SS = [(beer,[dick,harry,tom]),
(cider,[bill,jan,tom])] ? ;
?- setof(X, Y^(likes(X,Y)), S).
S = [bill,dick,harry,jan,tom] ? ;
Uses the meta-call facilities, the cut and a system predicate
that fails when executed (similar to calling
). run
not( Goal) :- call(Goal), !, fail.
Available as the (prefix) predicate
+ member(c, [a,k,l])
It will never instantiate variables.
twice useful to test without binding variables.
+ X = 1
, checks if X
is bound (or can be
bound) to 1, without binding X
if is free.
Termination of not(Goal)
depends on termination of
. not(Goal)
will terminate if a success
node for Goal
is found before an infinite branch.
It is very useful but dangerous:
unmarried_student(X):- not(married(X)), student(X).
?- unmarried_student(X).
Does work correctly for ground goals (programmer’s responsibility to ensure it).
We can check that negation is called with a ground term:
not(G) :-
ground(G), !,
\+ G.
not(G) :-
write('ERROR: Non-ground goal in negation: '), write(G), nl,
Or using assertions:
:- pred not(G) : ground(G).
not(G) :- \+ G.
I.e., we declare that G
must be ground when called
This will be checked, e.g., dynamically if we turn on run-time
:- use_package([rtchecks]).
Another example of meta-call + cut: getting only one solution:
once(G) :- call(G), !.
E.g., ?- once(member(X,[1,2,3])).
Cut-fail combinations allow forcing the failure of a predicate — somehow specifying a negative answer (useful but dangerous!).
Example: testing groundness; fail as soon as a free variable is
ground(Term):- var(Term), !, fail.
ground(0,T). %% All subterms traversed
N1 is N-1,
, retract/1
, ...
Very powerful: allow run–time modification of programs. Can also be used to simulate global variables.
Sometimes this is very useful, but very often a mistake:
Code hard to read, hard to understand, hard to debug.
Typically, slow.
Program modification has to be used scarcely, carefully, locally.
Still, assertion and retraction can be logically justified in some cases:
Assertion of clauses which logically follow from the program. (lemmas)
Retraction of clauses which are logically redundant.
Other typically non-harmful use: simple global switches.
Behavior/requirements may differ between Prolog
Typically, new predicates (not already defined in the program) can
always be asserted; else they must be declared
:- dynamic
Example program: run example
:- dynamic related/2.
relate_numbers(X, Y):- assert(related(X, Y)).
unrelate_numbers(X, Y):- retract(related(X, Y)).
Sample queries:
?- related(3, 4). % -> yes
?- related(1, 2). % -> no
?- relate_numbers(1, 2). % -> yes
?- related(1, 2). % -> yes
?- unrelate_numbers(1, 2). % -> yes
?- related(1, 2). % -> no
?- abolish(related/2). % -> yes
?- related(1, 2). % -> error (does not exist)
Rules can be asserted dynamically as well.
Example: computing the Fibonacci sequence run
1a) Direct definition:
fib(0, 0).
fib(1, 1).
fib(N, F):-
N1 is N-1, fib(N1, F1),
N2 is N-2, fib(N2, F2),
F is F1 + F2.
1b) Direct definition in functional syntax:
fib(0) := 0.
fib(1) := 1.
fib(N) := fib(N-1)+fib(N-2)
:- N>1.
2) Version saving ’lemmas’ (things already proved):
% 'memoing' table, preloaded w/N=0, N=1:
:- dynamic lemma_fib/2.
lemma_fib(0, 0).
lemma_fib(1, 1).
% First check if Nth element in table:
lfib(N, F):- lemma_fib(N, F), !.
% Else compute it and record the result:
lfib(N, F):-
N > 1, N1 is N - 1, lfib(N1, F1),
N2 is N - 2, lfib(N2, F2),
F is F1 + F2,
assert(lemma_fib(N, F)).
Compare ?- fib(31,N)
?- lfib(31,N)
(adjust the number depending on CPU speed).
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”
Reads a clause head :-
body from
the program.
For facts body is true
To use clause/2
a predicate must be declared
Simple (“vanilla”) meta-interpreter: run example
solve((A,B)) :- solve(A), solve(B).
solve(A) :- clause(A,B), solve(B).
Some sample queries:
?- solve(lappend([1,2],[3,4],L)).
?- solve(lappend(X,Y,[1,2,3,4])).
This code also implements backtracking! Note that
introduces choice-points since A
unify with several clause heads.
Interactions with module system: remember that clauses must be
dynamic (and use the dynamic_clauses
The basic meta-interpreter code:
solve((A,B)) :- solve(A), solve(B).
solve(A) :- clause(A,B), solve(B).
can be easily extended to do many tasks: tracing, debugging, explanations in expert systems, implementing other computation rules, ...
E.g., an interpreter that counts the number of (forward) steps:
csolve( true, 0).
csolve( (A,B), N) :- csolve(A,NA), csolve(B,NB), N is NA+NB.
csolve( A, N) :- clause(A,B), csolve(B,N1), N is N1+1.
?- csolve(lappend([1,2],[3,4],L),N).
: a closed list; cannot easily add at the
end. run
Objective: have direct access to list tail to append in constant time.
A pseudo-type:
dlist(X-X) :- var(X).
dlist([_|DL]-Y) :- dlist(DL-Y).
(Note: just for “minimal” difference lists, and not declarative
because of ==/2
Allows us to keep a pointer to the end of the list append in constant time:
append_dl(B1-E1,B2-E2,B3-E3) :- B3=B1, E3=E2, B2=E1.
Or, more compactly:
And, actually, no call to append_dl
is normally
But can only be done once (see later).
One can also build difference (open ended) trees, dictionaries, queues, etc., by leaving variables at the ends (e.g., at the leaves for trees).
Create two difference lists (L1
and L2
and append them (L2=X
) “by hand”:
?- L1 = [1,2,3|X], L2 = [4,5|Y], L2=X.
L1 = [1,2,3,4,5|Y],
L2 = [4,5|Y],
X = [4,5|Y] ?
contains the resulting difference list
Given: append_dl(B1-E1,E1-E2,B1-E2)
?- append_dl([1,2,3|X]-X,[4,5|Y]-Y,L).
L = [1,2,3,4,5|Y]-Y, X = [4,5|Y] ?
has the resulting (appended) difference list.
But note that we have modified the first list: we cannot append to it
?- append_dl(L-X,[4,5|Y]-Y,[1,2,3,4,5|Z]-Z).
L = [1,2,3,4,5|Y], X = [4,5|Y], Z = Y ?
qsort([X|L],S) :- % Take first element of list in X
partition(L,X,LS,LB), % LS elements of L < X, LB els >= X
qsort(LS,LSS), % LSS is LS sorted
qsort(LB,LBS), % LBS is LB sorted
append(LSS,[X|LBS],S). % We append the small ones sorted to
% the big ones sorted, w/X in front
partition([E|R],P,[E|Smalls],Bigs) :- % Take first element E
E < P, % If E < P add to list of smaller ones
partition([E|R],P,Smalls,[E|Bigs]) :-
E >= P, % If E >= P add to list of larger ones
?- qsort([5,2,1,3,7,6], SL).
qsort([X|L],S) :- % X=5, L=[2,1,3,7,6]
partition(L,X,LS,LB), % LS=[2,1,3], LB=[7,6]
qsort(LS,LSS), % LSS=[1,2,3]
qsort(LB,LBS), % LBS=[6,7]
append(LSS,[X|LBS],S). % call: append([1,2,3],[5,6,7],S)
% S=[1,2,3,5,6,7]
partition([E|R],P,[E|Smalls],Bigs) :-
E < P,
partition([E|R],P,Smalls,[E|Bigs]) :-
E >= P,
First list L
is a normal list, second is built as a
difference list (SL-SLE
Version 1: using -/2
functor and explicit
unifications. run
% ?- qsort_dl([5,2,1,3,7,6], SL).
qsort_dl(L,SL) :- % L = [5,2,1,3,7,6]
qsort_dl_(L,SL-SLE), % SL = [1,2,3,5,6,7|SLE]
SLE = []. % SL = [1,2,3,5,6,7]
qsort_dl_([X|L],SL-SLE) :- % X = 5, L = [2,1,3,7,6]
partition(L,X,S,B), % S = [2,1,3], B = [7,6]
qsort_dl_(S,SS-SSE), % SS = [1,2,3|SSE]
qsort_dl_(B,BS-BSE), % BS = [6,7|BSE]
SSE = [X|BS], % SSE = [5,6,7|BSE]
SL = SS, % SL = [1,2,3,5,6,7|BSE]
SLE = BSE. % SL = [1,2,3,5,6,7|SLE]
% Partition is the same as before.
Version 2: still using -/2
but unifications made in-place(no calls to
qsort_dl(L,SL) :-
qsort_dl_([X|L],SL-SLE) :-
% Partition is the same as before.
Version 3: using an extra argument (instead of the
and in-place unifications (no calls to
qsort_dl(L,SL) :-
qsort_dl_([X|L],SL,SLE) :-
% Partition is the same as before.
?- myphrase([t,h,e,’ ’,p,l,a,n,e,’ ’,f,l,i,e,s]).
myphrase(X) :-
% A must be at the beginning of X, T1 is the rest:
article(A), append(A,T1,X),
spaces(S1), append(S1,T2,T1),
noun(N), append(N,T3,T2),
spaces(S2), append(S2,V,T3),
article([a]). spaces([' ']).
article([t,h,e]). spaces([' ' | Y]) :- spaces(Y).
noun([c,a,r]). verb([f,l,i,e,s]).
noun([p,l,a,n,e]). verb([d,r,i,v,e,s]).
?- myphrase([t,h,e,’ ’,p,l,a,n,e,’ ’,f,l,i,e,s],[]).
myphrase(X,CV) :-
% Head of article is head of phrase, tail head of spaces
article(X,CA), spaces(CA,CS1),
noun(CS1,CN), spaces(CN,CS2),
article([a|X],X). spaces([' ' | X],X).
article([t,h,e|X],X). spaces([' ' | Y],X) :- spaces(Y,X).
noun([c,a,r | X],X). verb([f,l,i,e,s | X],X).
noun([p,l,a,n,e | X],X). verb([d,r,i,v,e,s | X],X).
?- myphrase("the plane flies",[]).
myphrase(X,CV) :-
% This clause does not change
article(X,CA), spaces(CA,CS1),
noun(CS1,CN), spaces(CN,CS2),
% Here we use strings "..."
article("a" || X, X). spaces(" " || X, X).
article("the" || X, X). spaces(" " || Y, X) :- spaces(Y, X).
noun( "car" || X, X). verb( "flies" || X, X).
noun( "plane" || X, X). verb( "drives"|| X, X).
Reminder: strings "..."
are lists of
I.e., X = "the"
means X = [0’t,0’h,0’e]
, i.e.,
X = [116,104,101]
"..." || T
is for strings like
for lists, i.e., T
is the tail of
the list.
Add syntactic transformation to avoid writing all the auxiliary
The result is called a Definite Clause Grammar
:- use_package(dcg).
myphrase --> article, spaces, noun, spaces, verb.
article --> "a". spaces --> " ".
article --> "the". spaces --> " ", spaces.
noun --> "car". verb --> "flies".
noun --> "plane". verb --> "drives".
?- myphrase("the plane flies",[]).
or, use the
“phrase/2” builtin:
?- phrase(myphrase,"the plane flies").
Add syntactic transformation to avoid writing all the auxiliary
The result is called a Definite Clause Grammar
:- use_package(dcg).
myphrase --> article, spaces, noun, spaces, verb.
% Translates to: myphrase(X,CV) :- article(X,CA),
% spaces(CA,CS1), noun(CS1,CN), spaces(CN,CS2), verb(CS2,CV).
% v----- translates to: article( "a" || X, X).
article --> "a". spaces --> " ".
article --> "the". spaces --> " ", spaces.
noun --> "car". verb --> "flies".
noun --> "plane". verb --> "drives".
?- myphrase("the plane flies",[]).
or, use the
“phrase/2” builtin:
?- phrase(myphrase,"the plane flies").
Other actions can be interspersed with the grammar.
Plain Prolog can be called between “{ ... }”
Additional arguments can be added; they go before the implicit ones.
Example: we add an additional argument to count number of characters parsed:
?- myphrase(NChars,"the plane flies",[]).
?- phrase(myphrase(N),"the plane flies").
:- use_package(dcg).
myphrase(N) --> article(AC), spaces(S1), noun(NC), spaces(S2),
verb(VC), { N is AC + S1 + NC + S2 + VC}.
article(1) --> "a". spaces(1) --> " ".
article(3) --> "the". spaces(N) --> " ", spaces(N1),
noun(3) --> "car". verb(5) --> "flies".
noun(5) --> "plane". verb(6) --> "drives".
Repeat loops (“failure-driven” loops):
main(_) :- repeat, read(X), process(X).
process(X) :- display(X), nl, fail.
Exception handling.
Extending the syntax beyond operators: term expansions/macros
Delay declarations/concurrency.
Operating system interface (and sockets, etc.).
Foreign language interfaces (e.g., C).
Many other built-ins...
Most systems have a good set of libraries.
Worth checking before re-implementing existing functionality!
Some examples:
Arrays | Assoc | Attributes | Heaps |
Lists | Term Utilities | Ordset | Queues |
Random | System Utilities | Tree | UGraphs |
WGraphs | Sockets | Linda/Distribution | Persistent DB |
CLPB | CLPQR | CLPFD | Objects |
GCLA | TclTk | Tracing | Chars I/O |
Runtime Utilities | Timeout | Xrefs | WWW |
Java Interface | ... | ... | ... |
Other systems may offer additional extensions. Some examples from Ciao:
Other execution rules:
Breadth-first, Iterative-deepening, Random, ...
CASP (negation with multiple models)
Andorra (“determinate-first”) execution, fuzzy Prolog, ...
Interfaces to other languages and systems:
Interfaces to C, Java, JavaScript, Python, LLVM, ...
SQL database interface and persistent predicates
Web/HTML/XML/CGI programming (PiLLoW) / HTTP connectivity / JSON / compilation to JavaScript ...
Interfaces to solvers (PPL, Mathematica, MiniSAT, Z3, Yikes, ...)
Graphviz, daVinci interfaces
Interfaces to Electron, wxWidgets, Tcl/Tk, VRML (ProVRML), ...
Calling Emacs from Prolog, etc.
Many syntactic and semantic extensions:
Functional notation
Terms with named arguments -records/feature terms
Multiple argument indexing
The script interpreter
Active modules (high-level distributed execution)
Attributed variables
Object oriented programming
Constraint programming (CLP)
rationals, reals, finite domains, ...
CHR (constraint handling rules), GeCode, ...
Regular types, Modes, Determinacy, etc.
Other properties
Run-time checking of assertions
Assertion-based unit tests and automatic test case generation
Compile-time property inference and assertion checking (CiaoPP).
Additional programming support:
Automatic documentation (LPdoc).
Partial evaluation, optimization, parallelization (CiaoPP).