Platform Improvement [UPM]
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- Achievements:
- Devised improved memory management methods:
[UPM, in collaboration with Manchester]
- Detected high memory consumption when using non-restricted
scheduling in and-parallel programs
- Proposed implementation techniques to reduce it
- Assessment showed greatly reduced memory usage
- Studied implementing issues for nondeterministic or+and parallel
systems: [UPM, in collaboration with NMSU]
- Proposed a practical execution scheme (ACE)
- Studied overhead imposed by parallel execution in terms of
execution time and memory consumption
- Devised techniques to ameliorate this overhead by compile time
and run time identification of special cases
- Evaluated application of data-parallel techniques in and-parallelism:
- Better memory usage through task collapsing
- Faster task startup by splitting goal set-up among agents
- Achieved improved speedups, comparable with native data-parallel
only systems
Thu Jan 18 11:30:54 MET 1996 <>-<>