Assessment and Prog. Development Tools [ECRC,UPM]
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- Achievements:
- Designed and implemented a parallel trace visualization tool
Parsee which: [ECRC]
- automatically transforms user progs. to generate a trace file
- analyses large trace files efficiently (linear time)
- abstracts away all low-level details of the program trace
- produces a variety of static color pictures which are directly
useful to the application programmer
- is scalable to any number of processors
- is scalable in time, allowing zoom-in and -out
- successfully applied to problems s.a. aircraft
assembly line planning, computational biology and graph coloring
- Improved a tool (VisAndOr) and developed another (IDRA) which: [UPM]
- give synthetic and intuitive data on program behavior
- help the application programmer to understand the
performance of the code
- are complementary to the ECRC tools (and the traces can also be used by
- are used in other systems (e.g., in MUSE)
- VisAndOr: time-oriented schematic view of the
parallel execution, by means of traces collected at run-time
- IDRA: analysis of VisAndOr traces to uncover
potential parallelism not exploited in actual executions
Thu Jan 18 11:30:54 MET 1996 <>-<>