Summary: passing lp options from clients to printserver

Lincoln Chang (
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 10:27:13 -0800 (PST)

Thanks to Casper Dik & Bismark Espinoza to answer my question (if I miss someone,
Please accept my apology).

Here is the original answer:

>I have a Solaris 2.6 system used as printer server and used the Jetadmin
>(installed in the printer server) to do the configuration for HP printers.
>>From this printer server, I can use command:
> lp -d<printername> -olandscape <file>
>to do landscape mode for printing but not on the clients. The clients are
>Solaris 2.5.5 systems which I used admintool instead of Jetadmin to configire
>the printer.
>I checked the past Summary from someone, and the answer was as following:
>>As long as BSD is used as the transport mechanism, on the clients, you
>>can replace the eight field in the /etc/lp/Systems file with
>> printhost:x:-:bsd:-:n:10:SVR4-Extensions:-:
>The above solution doesn't work for me. Please help. Thanks.

For Solaris 2.5.1 system:

I need to get the lastest patch of 103959 which is -06 (lower version may work,
but for sure not -03 because I have this version before I applied -06 in order to
make it work). Then I need to vi the file /etc/lp/Systems:

take out the "-" and put the above

For Solaris 2.6 system:

I need to vi the file /etc/printers.conf:

add the above


Lincoln Chang
System Administrator
Philips Semiconductors