Seems a few other people have seen a similar problem when using a
second fast ether and SWIS/DWIS scsi cards in an Ultra2 , with no real
answer as to why it works better in one slot , but in another slot it
causes a cpu panic and/or scsi resets.
The general idea is that there is a conflict between the hme and fas
driver , and the work around is as I mentioned in my original post.
Apparently out of the replies I received who had logged calls , as yet
no resolution from Sun had been received regarding this problem. If
this changes ....
Oh well, worth a try :- (
>From Ronald Loftin
I have a similar problem here, and I have an open problem with Sun about
it. They are mumbling about an updated motherboard as a fix, but they
haven't produced it yet. I get the impression that they aren't quite
how to fix this particular problem.
Ronald Loftin E-mail:
Computing and Media Services Syracuse University
Voice: 315-443-4103 Fax: 315-443-3817
My original post :-
>Dear Sun Managers,
>This is problem which has just caused a lot of downtime recently:-
>We have an Ultra 2 running 2.5.1 (256M memory) with the recommended
>patches loaded. I added a 2nd fast Ethernet card in the RIGHT hand
>slot (viewed from the front).
>In the LEFT hand slot is a SUN diff -wide scsi sbus card .
>The problem is that this configuration will NOT boot properly ,
promptly followed by
>the card going off line. The boot continues until it eventually gives
>a cpu panic and an OK prompt !
>This has been seen on another Ultra 2 with a 80 GB Dec raid system
>connected to the diff scsi card. But on this system the system boots no
>problem and after an indeterminate amount of time suddenly gives loads
>of scsi timeout errors and the system hangs. This happened about 4
>times in one day ! This meant when the system was rebooted it took
>about 45 mins each time to fsck the disk !
>The difference on this system is that the Fast Ethernet card is on the
>Left most slot.
>If the fast ethernet goes on the left it is OK for most of the time,
>sometime for weeks, but if it goes on the right , the system usually
>Ok , so I know how to get round the problem, if the following is put
>/etc/system the problem never happens : -
>set hme:hme_64bit_enable=0
>set fas:fas_enable_sbus64=0
>Which I believe turns 64bit DMA mode off for the 2 drivers.
>What I would like to know is why in one slot it seems to work (maybe
>only failing under very high loading) and in the other slot , without
>the /etc/system entry it does not boot (tried on different machines).
>BTW the hme patch installed is 104212-09, makes no difference.
>Have tried replacing the Sun diff scsi card for a Performance
>technology sbus card makes no difference.
>Also I have tried a Sun Swift ethernet card in place of the Fast
>Ethernet, same problem !
>Before moving the Sbus cards around , I am always editing the
>/etc/path_to_inst to delete any removed cards
>I have searched the archives and although it is mentioned some where
>there is a conflict between hme and scsi SWIS cards , it does not
>mention the detail in why the position makes a BIG difference .
>We have at least Four other Ultra 2 machines with the Fast Ethernet
>on the Left that have NEVER had a problem.
>Anyone else seen this ???? Is it a *feature* of Ultra 2 machines
>running 2.5.1 ;-)
>Any help on this would be appreciated.
>Thanks in advance.